[A newer and better article is now available at Case for Telangana on this site. However, you may still go through this article because most of commenters have expressed their opinion here.]
I am a very strong proponent of separate Telangana state (to be formed out of north-west region of Andhra Pradesh). When I talk to people around me about this, I get a lot of questions. I shall answer some of them here.
# Why do you want a separate state?
Why not? I believe that there should be many more states in
# Aren’t you paving the way for breaking up of the nation?
Fighting for a new taluk, or a new district or a new state is not same as asking for a new country. Or is it? If that is case, no new taluks or panchayats should be carved, no new districts should be created. Can’t we look at newer regions taking care of changes in demographics, new cultural issues, and new aspirations, needs and wishes? Creating new states is constitutional and within the nationals interests.
# Why a separate Telangana? Aren’t you happy being part of Andhra Pradesh?
History: In 1947,
~ Rivers like
~ Because of less literacy and backwardness of Telangana people, most of the new jobs, postings in government and education are given to people from Andhra.
~ Except for common language, the people of Andhra and Telangana have different dialects, histories, cultural systems, different food habits
In 1969, there was a major revolt in Telangana region by students, professors, government employees, politicians and many others demanding a separate state. The movement was quashed- many were jailed. Some of the politicians got reassurances and politicians from central leaders to some of their demands and everything was hushed up. Over the last thirty years, none of those reassurances and promises was kept. Some of those assurances were turned down by the court as well. The region is still reeling under strong Andhra influence in all phases of social, educational, economic and cultural life. There is a renewed struggle for a separate state now. TRS is a political party which is exploiting this sentiment.
# Aren’t Naxalites fighting for Telangana using guns?
No. Naxalites have a different agenda. They fight for achieving equal social and economic status through redistribution of wealth and land, and offering justice and opportunity to the backward classes. Their fight is seen wherever there is poverty and inequality in wealth- like Orissa, Chattisgarh, Karnataka, etc (most of these regions happen to be under Nizam before
# How will a new state benefit people of Telangana?
~ The rivers of
~ Most of the jobs, in government and education, are filled up by people from Andhra. In the new state, these jobs will go the local population.
# Did the other new states benefit?
Yes. Uttaranchal has introduced many sops for new industries because of which many industries are being set up in that state. Chattisgarh has opened up its university to many people from
# What is the rationale for new states?
When one state has two economically and culturally different regions, one being prosperous and the other backward, if corrective measures are not taken to uplift that backward region, there is a great danger that only the prosperous region gets all the attention, funding, new industries, canals, and opportunities, while the people of backward region keep losing out, even in their own region. When such a condition prevails far too long, strong corrective measures are to be taken, and if that does not work, a new state is one of the best solutions.
Update: The later parts of this blog are at Telangana II, Telangana III, Telangana IV, Telangana V: Political angle, Telangana VI: Hyderabad State?, Telangana VII: Political Drama, Telangana VIII: You need to make a case
If you are keen on knowing more about this topic, read through the following posts:
Telangana II: The detractors to the formation of Telangana give the following reasons: 1. Andhra people will take away all their investments from Telangana, 2. Muslims will dominate if Telangana becomes a State, 3. Hyderabad will become a Union Territory; away from both Andhra and Telangana, 4. Andhra people are hardworking, enterprising and well-educated, 5. Andhra Telugu is superior – everyone should become like them, 6. We will lose our identity as Telugu people. All these are mere excuses. In reality, a separate Telangana makes sense for one reason alone- that its people want it.
Telangana III: There is no animosity towards anyone while creating Telangana, not even Andhra people. Fight for Telangana is not new. It has been there since the inception of Andhra Pradesh. TRS is just a political party that came into cash in on the prevailing mood of Telangana people to have a separate state. TRS is not Telangana. And one cannot rubbish a movement based on the quality of its leaders.
Telangana IV: Some of the questions from commenters are answered here: Why should Hyderabad be given to Telangana? Do land-locked states fail economically? Do new states take long time to form? Will the new state has to grapple new problems like crime?
Telangana V: Political Angle: Though we should have got Telangana during NDA regime, it did not happen. So, why did we not get Telangana along with Chattisgarh, Uttarkhand and Jharkhand? So, when will we get our Telangana? What are the political angles that are delaying creation of Telangana?
Telangana VI: Hyderabad State?: Many detractors would want to create a Hyderabad state out of Telangana. Is there any merit to such a demand? Hyderabad has always been a part of Telangana. Can the immigrants of a land ask for a separate status by flooding a city or a piece of land? Imagine the immigrants of Mumbai cutting the city away from Maharashtra or Bangladeshi immigrants cutting away Kolkata from West Bengal.
Telangana VII: Political Drama: TRS, the most vocal of all parties to demand a separate Telangana lost many seats to TDP and Congress in the recently held by-elections. What does it mean? Did Telangana Movement lost its wind? Why did TRS bring upon us these by-elections? Is TRS same as Telangana Movement? What is Telangana ‘sentiment’? Why did TRS lose? Why are other political parties embracing Telangana ‘sentiment’? Is political outcome same as referendum?
Telangana VIII: You need to make a case: All those who seek a Hyderabad state carved out of Telangana, you need to make a case. First, you were not willing to give us a separate state. Now, you ask for a separate Hyderabad state. Your case is quite flimsy and is fraught with greed, selfishness and extreme self-centeredness. The case for Telangana, which includes Hyderabad as its center, was always valid from the time of inception of the state. There is no case of creating Hyderabad into a new state cutting it away from Telangana.
Telangana X: Congratulations! : Why does it always come to this in India? Why should people get onto streets, protest, pillage, vandalize, beat up, destroy, before the government concedes to their demands? Why should the people hold government at ransom before the government starts making sense? Why can’t it be proactive and take necessary measures to alleviate concerns of various groups and identities?
Vision for Telangana I: What shall we do when we get our Telangana? What is our vision and what are our objectives? How shall we correct the mistakes of the past? How shall we better the lives of our people? How shall we make Telangana a great place to live?
Telangana XI: Why so much opposition?: The Telangana region, with Hyderabad deeply embedded inside it geographically, being part of its culture and historical heritage, being its capital city, joined Andhra Pradesh reluctantly and now it wants to opt out after the 50 year marriage failed. It’s not like Telangana sprung a surprise of separation. Starting from the formation of the state itself it has made many protests through various forums.
History of Telangana II: One of the misconceptions that are flouted nowadays is that Potti Sriramulu fought for a greater and unified Vishalandhra comprising all Telugu people under one state. There is no truth to this. He had in fact fought for extremely local demands for his own people, and not Telangana people.
Good to know the details behind what was just a political play to most eyes like mine...
ReplyDeleteI never thought you could be such a fanatic person.Bad show!
then y dont u write y the other part of the state are opposing..if this goes on, we would again end up with 555 states which india had and fought among themselves and gave it up to the british...
ReplyDeleteI think above two anonymous guys should read the article a couple of times. I don't think they got the gist of sujai's analysis.
ReplyDeletethere is absolutely no need for sperate telengana state ..you cant just say we need states on basis of population.i think you are nuts
ReplyDeleteJai Telangana, We need our identity back. WE lost not only identity also lost - Lands,Jobs,Water especially we lost our lives. We want our Telangana at any cost.
ReplyDeleteHi sujay i agree with you .We need the Telangana state.
ReplyDeleteThe medical and dental seat matrix of the government seats are
Area Government Medial seats
Sri venkateswara
(Rayalaseema dist 550
+Nellore dist)
Andhra univesity
(8 districts) 450
Ousmania university.
(10 districts) 500
Medical college at Vijayawada with 100 seats is a State wide
Gross injustice is being done to Telanagana students(Osmania
university area) with 40% population and Andhra university area
students with similar population.
SVU area with 22% population is getting 550 medial seats compared
500 seats to all the 10 districts of Telangana with 40% population and
450 seats to Andhra university students in 8 districts.
State Government has not even started one Government Medical
college in the Telangana region of the state.
There are 9 govt medical colleges in 8 places in Coastal andhra and
Rayalaseema districts where as there are only 3 Medical colleges in 2
places in Telangana.(2 in Hyd and 1 in Warangal) which includes the
Padmavathis institute of Mediacal Sciences at Tirupati..
Parents,students and public have to put pressure on the government
to currect the imbalance and allocate the govt quota seats to all the
regions on the basis of 2001 poulation numbers..
I request everyone to respond and raise their demand with elected
representatives and government to change the same before the
commencement of the councelling session for Medical and dental
I request the university authorities to allocate the seats on the
basis of the population of the three regions.
B.Venkateswara rao.
17,3rd main,
Hi Sujai,
ReplyDeleteGood analysis there. I also am confronted with similar questions. They are prejudiced against telangana and are not even ready to listen, just like the two anonymous guys who posted here. They cant think beyond their losing access to Hyderabad, which itself is not completely true.
I don't have a problem with creation of a seperate Telangana and I do believe that smaller states can be administered better considering in the growing complexities.
ReplyDeleteBut with Telangana, I am still not convinced about the vision of the proponents of seperate state.
How can you be sure that the coal will be used for interior districts and will not be exported? We can see how Orissa is literally selling itself to MNCs, and even killing people who stand in their way.
The lack of development of Godavari valley is mainly due to the topography which calls for lift-irrigation, which is relatively expensive.
And in any case, there is a renewed thrust in irrigation expenditure by the present govt.
And in employment, why do blame the govt. if those who are now fighting for seperate state never bothered for implementation of constitutional provisions.
I guess AP is the only state for which the constitution has provided for "equitable opportunities and facilities for the people belonging to different parts of the state, in the matter of public employement and in the matter of education"
It has also empowered the state to create "local cadres".
I have serious doubts on the sincerity of those clamouring for Telangana. In Jharkand, seperate state has only replaced the outside exploiters with local elite and I feel the same would happen in the case of seperate Telangana.
In reply to Cosmic voices -
ReplyDeleteHow can you not fight injustice on the assumption that the consequence will be as bad? There were many doubting Thomases who predicted doomsday during Indian freedon struggle. Fight for Telangana is a fight for justice and everyone who is fair minded should educate themselves and join the fight.
And someone mentioned fanatic - WTF? :)
@ Raj,
ReplyDeleteI don't think it is fair to compare freedom fighters and the TRS. TRS has dubious credentials. If those fighting for telangana are truly disinterested, then can someone tell me what made them keep quiet for so long?
And I again repeat, those who propound for seperate state have absolutely no vision for development. Please don't fool around saying prevention of diversion of resources will lead to development. In context of globalization this is just not possible.
And more so under people like KCR, who remembered telangana only when he was denied ministership.
Cosmic Voices:
ReplyDeleteTRS is capitalizing on the sentiments of Telangana people who want a separate state.
I don't agree with your statement:
"those who propound for seperate state have absolutely no vision for development."
Are you saying that TRS is the only proponent of a separate state?
Or are you saying that all the people who are involved in Telangana Movement (need not be leaders of TRS) do not have a vision?
What Raj was saying is that before Indian Independence many British (including Churchill) doubted whether India can ever sustain itself as a country. They could not imagine how we would be able to rule ourselves- they looked at us as mere uncivilized people.
You are raising the same doubts- you are asking some questions which suggest you do not believe in the maturity of future leaders. Is that a good reason not to have a separate state?
You completely misunderstood the meaning and purport of Raj. He is not comparing the leaders of freedom fighters of India and TRS leaders. He is suggesting that such doubting Thomases are always there- even during our Independence movement.
TRS is not Telangana just like Indian National Congress was not India.
Don't equate them- you will only get confused.
Telangana movement has always been there since 1956.
You gave example of Orissa.
How about Uttaranchal which is attracting so many industries? How about Chattisgarh which is getting electricity and universities? How about Jharkand which is getting its own industries instead of just being a supplier of raw material?
For every bad example there is a good example. That is no good argument for avoiding creation of new states.
Sujai bhai,
ReplyDeleteIf you start a morcha/protest I think I would be the first person to join you.i definetely like the concept of Separate TELANGANA. When Andhra joined us they joined based on similar linguistic basis. They were like big brothers who were more educated and we waited till they treated us equally and fairly. There is a limit for exploitation. I dont think it is necessary for me to direct another movie with my train of thought but I have valid reasons adding urs and apart from the ones you did mention in the blog. People who have commented against you should understand that the political scenario is not dominated by one region either andhra,Telangana or Rayalaseems. There is a CM and a panel of ministers from all over the place. People crib about regional development in Andhra.That has to be directed by the people around Andhra and the regions concerned. We are concerned about Telangana so we are trying to get the best out of it. People in Andhra have to sort it out through protests or whatever they feel right with their local Jurisdiction and the CM and not comment on being fanatic . Bad Show! and blah blah about British. 50 years I think is enough time , the anonymous person who commented about british thing should realize that what british left is being followed with devotion by the so called ANDHRA people in POLITICAL PARTIES. I have no hang-ups with Andhra people but it is not just to neglect the people in this region. I was looking up at Hyderabad and found when I querried IIT Hyderabad that a proposal was in Basara. Another one from the pack jumped out and was telling it should be developed in vizainagaram or Srikakulum. People(either from that Region or Andhra people) should drive that. We are interested in Telangana and hyderabad and we have been pushed hard for years . We know the pain so we are striving for a better living for all that we missed.We are not crazy people, we are not going to drive away the people who are not Telangana nor are we going to impose a seperate passport/Visa for their entry into our very dear Telangana in General and HYDERABAD in particular.They have lush green fields , Rajamundry and coastal Andhra is very rich but they have nothing much on Technology so educated people would have no jobs in that region. They love to come to Hyderabad ,get a job and do dadagiri 'Hyderabad vallaki balupu ekkuva' Cyberabad, IT jobs chusukoni veellaki pogaru. If that is the case why the heck did they step into our beautiful world which is their path of thorns.Man I have hammered enough and Iam proud that Iam from Hyderabad,enjoyed the Paradise's Percy's Biriyani,Pick 'N' Move ice cream,Bawarchi,Shanbhag,Kamat, Imax,Charminar during Ramzan-Haleem ,Necklace road,Jubilee hills ka Secret lake.Man it's been a while that Iam away from THE PLACE. Gandipet ka pani agar mujha yahaan mila tho kya mazaa ayegaa yar. Iam happy to reply bhai to this topic.This is the first time I have ever replied .
Sujai bhai,
ReplyDeleteIf you start a morcha/protest I think I would be the first person to join you.i definetely like the concept of Separate TELANGANA. When Andhra joined us they joined based on similar linguistic basis. They were like big brothers who were more educated and we waited till they treated us equally and fairly. There is a limit for exploitation. I dont think it is necessary for me to direct another movie with my train of thought but I have valid reasons adding urs and apart from the ones you did mention in the blog. People who have commented against you should understand that the political scenario is not dominated by one region either andhra,Telangana or Rayalaseems. There is a CM and a panel of ministers from all over the place. People crib about regional development in Andhra.That has to be directed by the people around Andhra and the regions concerned. We are concerned about Telangana so we are trying to get the best out of it. People in Andhra have to sort it out through protests or whatever they feel right with their local Jurisdiction and the CM and not comment on being fanatic . Bad Show! and blah blah about British. 50 years I think is enough time , the anonymous person who commented about british thing should realize that what british left is being followed with devotion by the so called ANDHRA people in POLITICAL PARTIES. I have no hang-ups with Andhra people but it is not just to neglect the people in this region. I was looking up at Hyderabad and found when I querried IIT Hyderabad that a proposal was in Basara. Another one from the pack jumped out and was telling it should be developed in vizainagaram or Srikakulum. People(either from that Region or Andhra people) should drive that. We are interested in Telangana and hyderabad and we have been pushed hard for years . We know the pain so we are striving for a better living for all that we missed.We are not crazy people, we are not going to drive away the people who are not Telangana nor are we going to impose a seperate passport/Visa for their entry into our very dear Telangana in General and HYDERABAD in particular.They have lush green fields , Rajamundry and coastal Andhra is very rich but they have nothing much on Technology so educated people would have no jobs in that region. They love to come to Hyderabad ,get a job and do dadagiri 'Hyderabad vallaki balupu ekkuva' Cyberabad, IT jobs chusukoni veellaki pogaru. If that is the case why the heck did they step into our beautiful world which is their path of thorns.Man I have hammered enough and Iam proud that Iam from Hyderabad,enjoyed the Paradise's Percy's Biriyani,Pick 'N' Move ice cream,Bawarchi,Shanbhag,Kamat, Imax,Charminar during Ramzan-Haleem ,Necklace road,Jubilee hills ka Secret lake.Man it's been a while that Iam away from THE PLACE. Gandipet ka pani agar mujha yahaan mila tho kya mazaa ayegaa yar. Iam happy to reply bhai to this topic.This is the first time I have ever replied .
It is high time that the dream of self rule and the dream of justice shud be fulfilled. 50 years of looting has to come to an end or else there is a danger of loosing the identity. I am for separate Telangana.
ReplyDeleteYou are predisposed with a conclusion and try to fit it with assumptions. Let me give you some facts (in bold) for your question on benefits to Telangana.
How will a new state benefit people of Telangana?
•Right now the coal is mined and electricity is produced in Telangana but most of it is supplied to Andhra region, while districts of Medak and Adilabad have four hours of electricity during the day during summer. In the new state, these districts will be fed with electricity.
Wrong. Telenagana consumes more power than any other region of AP. For instance yesterday, the power consumption in Telenagana was 72 MU compared to total consumption of 132 MU from the state. Under new state, you will have instant power shortage. Based on yesterday's consumption, the power use in Medak was 9.96 MU. I agree with your claim on Adilabad at 3.6 MU consumption. Do you know the power consumption and availability at Srikakulam and Vizianagaram? It was 2.18 and 2.77 MU respectively. Now you know who is more deprived.
•The rivers of Krishna and Godavari flow through Telangana, and the dams are in Telangana, but the canals carrying the water go to Andhra. In the new state, there would be new canals bringing water to the arid regions of Telangana bringing in prosperity to the farmers and local population.
Krishna river flows through the southern edge of Telangana. Any dam on this river will only benefit downstream. The main reason why Nagarjun Sagar feeds not only Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam dists but also areas of Nalgonda and Khammam that are below the crest of the dam.Can you name a dam on Godavari in Telangana that feeds Andhra delta?
•Most of the jobs, in government and education, are filled up by people from Andhra. In the new state, these jobs will go the local population.
Based on Girglani report, 80% or 70% of jobs to be based on local or zonal quota, were filled correctly with locals. The only dispute he found is the remaining 20% or 30% open quota, and also classification of jobs as Gazetted and Non-Gazetted. In any case, the total jobs we are talking about is some 55,000. The net gain could be even less, if Andhra and Rayalaseema also apply reverse logic.
Hi sujay i agree with you .We compulsary need the Telangana state.We have to develope our region in our way no need to depend on others,because we have resources like coal,WaterRivers,Electricity why we depending on others to develope our Region. All Telangana people are ready to give their lives for "Telangana"..........
"So our state is Telangana our capital is Hyderabad"
Jai Telangana ...............!
The TRIBALS ARE the real inhabitants of the Region. Everyone else here is Andhra. As for you Andhra's who want a seperate state you are bigots you will do nothing for the tribals, Telengana will just be KCR dominion as he could not rise through TDP ranks as much as he wanted, Telengana is just an excuse for power, CPI is against this Telengana shit as well because they are smart enough to realise the negtives outweigh the benefits.
ReplyDeleteTHE 4 million TRIBALS in Telengana wont benefit only THE 24 million or so others in Telengana who arent the originial inhabitants, will benefit from a new state.
pesaru pallavi,
ReplyDeletehi Sujai,
We need our identity back. WE lost our identity.Fight for Telangana is a fight for justice and everyone who is fair minded should educate themselves and join the fight.50 years of looting has to come to an end or else there is a danger of loosing the identity. I am for separate Telangana.
Good to see people writing their views. I strongly believe that injustice has been done to telangana. Telangana is nearly 1/3rd of AP with all water and energy resources in its side. And its injustice that nothing has been offered to telangana.
ReplyDeleteBut here is my view on telangana as a separate state. 10 years from now Andhra Pradesh was considered as third rated state in India. Only after the software growth started along with industrial growth (Pharma sector) in Hyderabad people realized that there is some place called Andhra Pradesh in India. Though I am not a fan of CB naidu I still would attribute this to him with his media gimmicks. As a result of so called development, which is happening in Hyderabad people who are most benefited are from telangana. i do accept that injustice has been done to them and the reason for their poverty is just because of screwed politics.
By creating a separate state all we are doing is going 15 to 20 years back. If telangana start development now it will take another 15 years to reach where we are now.
Instead of that why can’t we be smart enough to get the projects done for telangana and with Hyderabad competing with metro cities in development, telangana region will be the first among beneficiaries.
Dear sir,
ReplyDeleteThere are many advantages of smaller states in a country like India.
Centre should realize these points:
More job opportunities, less corruption ,more tax collection,revenue generation,overall development of infra structure,better controll of Law and order and more vigilance and lot of developmental activities in every nook and corner.
so telangana has to be created and made a seperate stste.
Jai Telangana
Excellent! Many questions are rationally answered here. I was ignorant of the history of telangana, untill I had a chance to read a book on it. My blood started boiling when I see the statistics of how telangana has been cheated in budjet allocations in Health, Education, Infrastructure Irrigation and many other fields. Leave that aside, think about protecting our own identity. Telangana had a wonderful culture, self sustaining villeges, which slowly started vanishing. Telangana has an accent of Telugu like so many other areas have. That's being mimicked in the movies. Telangana has produced great poets like Dasharadi, C.Narayan Reddy and many more. We have a distinct style to write, and a distinct style to speak. Let's protect them, do not feel inferior. let's have our self-respect back.
ReplyDeleteTelangana was never directly ruled by the British. Our fight was against atrocities of Nizam. Many valient stories of heros can be heard in the Villeges, who lost their lifes in the struggle for freedom. How many text books speak of them? How many statues were errected on Tank bund? Let's have our history back!!
We want our Telangana from these dirty andhra people. i had faced and facing a lot of insulting issues with these educated illiterates. We have natural resources like coal which is exclusively available in Telangana region. Andhra People even insult our language. We don't have proper transportation system. Idi anthaa mana chetakaani Politicians valla. Power kosam chustunnaaru kaani manaki em cheyyaalanukovadam ledu. gattigaa maatlaadevaadu lekundaa poyaadu. andariki gaajulu todigi assembly lo koorchopettaali. Okkadiki dare ledu projects or funds adagadaaniki. I belong to Khammam. Ikkada nundi MP gaa vellina Renuka Chowdary andhraa aame. manam alaavelli vaalla constituent nundi elect avagalamaa? mundu mana vaallaki buddhi ledu. money and power kosam manalni maname champukuntunnaam vaallla kosam. mundu manam united gaa undi bayata vaallaani ikkadiki vachi manalni dochukokundaa chudaali. We have all the resources except commitment from our leaders. Prati vaadu Daddamme. Okkadiki kooda dare ledu. Assalu mouth open cheyyaru. Vaallaki commitment undaali first...
ReplyDeleteMIM seeks Rs 20,000-cr package for Telangana
ReplyDeleteHyderabad: Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi asked the state government to prevail upon the UPA government in getting a Rs 20,000-crore package each released to Telangana and Rayalaseema to reduce regional disparities accrued over the past few decades. Talking to reporters on the premises of the Assembly on Thursday, the Chandrayangutta legislator said it was high time the central government announced a special package to backward regions in the state. Citing an example, he said the extremist movement in the state always attracted youth from neglected regions due to the socio-economic disparities in the region. The movement always derived its strength from Telangana region rather than Rayalaseema, he said. The Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen floor leader demanded the state government to implement GO 610 immediately in line with the six-point formula without diluting the presidential order. Taking a dig at the Telangana Rashtra Samithi for failing to live up to the state’ expectations, he criticised “the so-called champions of Telangana” for being satisfied with the land given to construct party office rather than getting statehood to Telangana. He said the MIM was closely monitoring political developments in the state and stated that their party was in favour of a united Andhra Pradesh with overall development of all regions. “But, we may change out stance depending on the developments,” he added. Akbaruddin was critical of the government’s decision to use funds received through the auction of land in Kokapet for implementing the various government schemes. He accused the government of using the auction money to fund irrigation projects in Andhra region. Majlis to weigh options Hyderabad: The Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) on Thursday said it will wait and watch developments on Telangana. Though it had opposed a separate Telangana state earlier, the MIM has decided to look into other options depending on the political scenario and come out with a clear stance in the next few days. “As a first step, the government should send back people of Coastal Andhra who are employed in Telangana by implementing GO 610. Also, announce a welfare package, including irrigation projects on a warfooting,” MIM floor leader in the Assembly Akbaruddin Owaisi told TOI. MIM chief Sultan Salauddin Owaisi had convened a meeting of religious organisations and institutions at Darussalam to review the political development. The meeting was attended by all five MIM MLAs, representatives of Tameer-e-Millat, Ulama-e-Deccan, Jamia Nizamia, Amaarat Millat-e-Islamia and Jamaat-e-Islami Hind under the banner of Joint Action Committee of Muslims. “The MIM will not support the Telangana movement led by TRS,” said MIM president Salauddin Owaisi after the meeting. “Since the issue is not so simple, the party will look into various options to ensure that our stance would not go against the interests of Muslims,” he said.
ReplyDeletelets be united....division wont make anything possible.....
these politicians want to make their dirty food outta this division in real estates...
all stats are not true... dont belive them.....
telangan development is not in the leasts ....it lacks a little but which is very less.....
plz note this
the literacy rate of total andhra is 61% and telagana has nearly 60% literates...
and about the college stats...
if u get a seat in other coastal universities wont u go and study there??is that a big deal...???
even then telangan has 500 seats for 9 districts...
and about government jobs....
48.41 per cent of the 12.28-lakh State Government employees hailed from Telangana region, he said.Ninety five per cent of posts in IT sector went to people of Telangana and 49.70 per cent of workforce in industries was from region, he said.
and about recent allocations for telangana.....
Out of 73.18 lakh acres of new ayacut to be irrigated under Jalayagnam, 46.97 per cent of ayacut was in Telangana.......
On completion of Jalayagnam project, Warangal would top the State with additional irrigation facilities for 19.11 lakh acres, followed by Karimanagar with 16.20 lakh acres and Khammam with 13.88 lakh acres........
three Telangana districts would surpass Krishna, Guntur, East and West Godavari districts once jalayagnam is through. Of the assured waters, Telangana drew a share of 44.50 per cent.......
if u ppl want i can give more stats abt telagana
ReplyDeleteWhere did you get these statistics? :)
Telangana and Andhra have nearly equal levels of literacy? Really?
Nobody needs statistics if you have guts to face the reality. Go to Telangana, go to it interiors, towns and villages. Then go to Andhra, go its interiors, towns and villages.
You don't need statistics after that- especially not the ones which seem to use numbers arbitrarily without any reference or valid source!
you haven't pointed out why a separate telangana is a better idea..
ReplyDeleteYou said:
you haven't pointed out why a separate telangana is a better idea..
Well, for the foremost reason, the people of Telangana want it. It came out clearly in the mandate in elections.
Second, it makes economic sense as well. A state which has two regions- very different economically and has basis in certain difference in culture and history, can think of breaking itself into two to make administration better- and will serve the aspirations of the people better.
This example is clear from formation of new states- Uttaranchal is attracting heavy investment and many new industries helping the local populations. Chattisgarh is seeing electricity to its remote villages for the first time. Creation of Himachal, creation of Haryana, etc, are all seen as good moves.
ReplyDelete'the people of Telangana want it. It came out clearly in the mandate in elections'
the elections were held to elect new members for the legislative assembly of andhra pradesh..how was it 'clearly' or otherwise a mandate on telangana.. and not on other issues? this is weak evidence.
'it makes economic sense as well.'
it makes economic sense to break up on the basis of non-economic factors like culture and history?
don't fit facts selectively to suit you argument.. jharkhand, chattisgarh are facing a great number of problems..
if we assume these states are doing well, on the basis of some selective interpretation of facts, isn't it time we started carving up india into separate nations? because they might do much better? why don't you ask for separate nationhood for telangana?
ReplyDeleteYou say
why don't you ask for separate nationhood for telangana?
I don't ask for a separate nationhood for Telangana. People of Telangana do not believe they want to be outside India. They believe their aspirations could be met within the confines of Indian nationhood, but with a separate statehood. Is that something wrong to believe in?
Andhra state was formed (out of Madras Presidency) because people of Andhra believed their aspirations could be better satisfied as a separate state. During that time, Telangana was added to that state in spite of protests from Telangana people. In 1969, the movement for a separate Telangana was widespread, but was completely hijacked by certain leaders when they accepted to certain agreements (which never got implemented). Now, there is a renewed demand for a separate statehood.
Have you looked at how industries have come into Uttaranchal after it became a new state?
Do you think Jharkhand and Chattisgarh were doing better than now?
Coming to the mandate of people- I am not sure where you live. But most people in Telangana voted for TRS and its partners because their primary mandate was a separate Telangana.
In India, unfortunately, we don't have a referendum, and hence we have to make do with elections and party's manifestos.
We would never have got freedom for India from British going by your logic. There was no referendum held in India to seek Independence. The elected leaders of Congress had a manifesto which sought independence. Their winning is considered the public opinion.
I don't see an argument for separate states being equated to separate nations. Making new districts (because of population increase or change in demographics) or creating new states (to meet the demands of new aspirations) are not the same as asking for separate nation.
I already discussed this in the article and the comments that follow- I am only repeating myself (unnecessarily).
ReplyDelete'I don't ask for a separate nationhood for Telangana. People of Telangana do not believe they want to be outside India. They believe their aspirations could be met within the confines of Indian nationhood, but with a separate statehood. Is that something wrong to believe in?'
no one has done a poulation survey on what the people of telangana want...so it's wrong to presume they do not want separate nationhood. going by the logic of 'neglect and underdevelopment after unification'...shouldn't one assume telangana would be better off as a separate nation? because if the state of andhra pradesh failed in serving the needs of the people of telangana since 1956 ...the govt of india should also bear a significant portion of that responsibilty - we live in a federal state where responsibilities/functions of govt are shared by both the centre and the states.
'During that time, Telangana was added to that state in spite of protests from Telangana people. In 1969, the movement for a separate Telangana was widespread, but was completely hijacked by certain leaders when they accepted to certain agreements (which never got implemented). Now, there is a renewed demand for a separate statehood.'
this is an essential part of trs and tdf propaganda - these weakminded worthies are trumpeting as gospel truth half-facts and and half-truths as history.. the major focus of the freedom/liberation struggle in telangana was to free the telugu-speaking people in the region. the andhra mahasabha was so named because.. the rejuvenation of telugu language and culture, and the unity of all telugu-speaking people were the ultimate goals. the formation of andhra pradesh reflected the aspirations of all telugu speaking people... whatever the little opposition in telangana..it wasn't significant enough to hinder the formation of the state.
'Have you looked at how industries have come into Uttaranchal after it became a new state?
Do you think Jharkhand and Chattisgarh were doing better than now?'
this is selective reading of current history..read this to get another version - http://www.ibnlive.com/news/jkhand-mlas-to-get-bathroom-stipend/16157-13.html... anyway, hindi-speaking people can have as many states as they want - it wouldn't in any way dilute their linguistic identity.. division of other linguistic groups within india ethically, broadly, would amount to transgressing into the rights of linguistic minorities in india - the govt of india, as represented by the centre shouldn't attempt this. india is an evolving nation - this evolution should accommodate other ethnic loyalties... not destroy them. if it attempts to do so.. it'd be doing that at the cost of abandoning the spirit of its constitution - the very spirit that brought disparate ethnicities under the roof of one nation.
'Coming to the mandate of people- I am not sure where you live. But most people in Telangana voted for TRS and its partners because their primary mandate was a separate Telangana.'
yes.. where one lives does change one's perceptions a lot, right? a lot of hardened hindutvavadis live in the u.s., the core mobilising group of khalistan lives in canada, the kashmiri freedom movement is suatained by a vocal group of mirpuri kashmiris living in the u.k., and you live in bangalore.. and the tdf's founders live in the u.s.,... and i've lived and worked the whole of my life in the heart of telangana.. yes, i'm deluded. i thought the people voted the old govt out and the opposition in.
'We would never have got freedom for India from British going by your logic. There was no referendum held in India to seek Independence. The elected leaders of Congress had a manifesto which sought independence. Their winning is considered the public opinion.'
if there had been elections then, as we understand them now, the situation would have been quite different.. please...congress had a manifesto, and it won elections on this basis.. and we got freedom? i won't even attempt to make sense of this.
the point is you still haven't pointed out why you think telangana should be separated - because you think it would develop more? the trs itself has abandoned this logic now...saying that they want a separate state because sentiments are more important than development- this was their slogan during the recent karimnagar election. and they won. another referendum?
yes, you've been repeating yourself..without pointing out why a separate state would be better than a untited state.
ReplyDeleteYou say:
no one has done a poulation survey on what the people of telangana want...so it's wrong to presume they do not want separate nationhood.
Have you been to a single rally in Telangana? Do you read the news articles published in Telangana? They do not discuss a separate nation. They discuss a separate state. Your argument is academic and is of no interest to me because it does not try to understand the present problem or issue at hand.
this is an essential part of trs and tdf propaganda - these weakminded worthies are trumpeting as gospel truth half-facts and and half-truths as history..
Do you deny that 1969 Telangana Movement happened? And do you deny that they were asking for a separate state within the confines of Indian Union? The rest of your argument is academic and hypothetical.
india is an evolving nation - this evolution should accommodate other ethnic loyalties... not destroy them.
I am not sure about ethnicities. But yes, I agree that India should accommodate different kinds of people- different cultures, religions, languages, etc. Promoting Telangana people’s aspiration is part of that job!
yes, i'm deluded. i thought the people voted the old govt out and the opposition in.
May be you are. And that could also be reason why people are angry with TRS for not accomplishing their primary mandate- to secure Telangana as a separate state.
please...congress had a manifesto, and it won elections on this basis.. and we got freedom? i won't even attempt to make sense of this.
May be not. May be yes. That’s not the point. If one hypothetically asked (as you did about Telangana) to prove whether Indians really wanted freedom or not. How would you go about convincing him?
Of course, it is a different matter altogether that some would not like to get convinced at all- even after looking at the stark realities. There were many selfish rulers at the time of Independence who believed that Indians never wanted freedom from British and also that they would continue to rule as princes and kings. They believed that Indians were better off under British Empire.
the point is you still haven't pointed out why you think telangana should be separated - because you think it would develop more?
Yes. I believe Telangana would develop more if it was a separate state. I think there would be canals diverted to Telangana from the dams that are in Telangana instead of being routed to Andhra. I think that would irrigate our lands. I think the power stations in Telangana would provide electricity to rural Telangana so that they don’t have massive power as they do now. I think more industries would come to Telangana. I think there would be more jobs of people of Telangana in government institutions. I believe that Telangana can create special zones to attract more investment- not confined to just Hyderabad but for other regions as well. With separate Telangana in place, the leaders will be more accountable to the people of Telangana.
I don’t equate Telangana with TRS. TRS is a mere façade for the movement. I wouldn’t be surprised if Congress or TDP or BJP comes to power once the state is formed.
'Have you been to a single rally in Telangana? Do you read the news articles published in Telangana? They do not discuss a separate nation. They discuss a separate state. Your argument is academic and is of no interest to me because it does not try to understand the present problem or issue at hand.'
ReplyDeletehe he .. a personal attack? allow me to point out, again, that i've lived and worked and i live and work in telangana. so... shall we agree that i do know the situation better than those who don't? it's a crude point but you started this. as for elections and votes and public sentiment etc., sujai, you could win all the votes in telangana or elsewhere if you promised every voter a job in govt., do you think that's right? those of us who've had access to the benefits of education and better economic resources than those who don't, need to shoulder the burden of thinking situations through logically, and based on all evidence... and not abandon logic to sentiments and ... incoherent feelings of neglect.
your understanding of history is distorted... the 1969 movement happened and there has been some opposition in 1956.. what needs to be understood is that the lessons from this period are to be viewed objectively - what those movements essentially tell you is that great vigilance needs to be exercised, especiallly, by the educated middle classes, that the interests of people living within telangana need to be consistently pointed out and protected.. you've no right to wake up every twenty years or so and shout 'neglect' when you don't press for your rights every day.. if, in a separate state, this is the attitude the middle classes are going to adopt - then it's quite possible that the few upper caste leaders who are leading the movement now...would corner all 'development' for their own communities. and it's right now a movement for, of and by certain upper castes..with deluded lower caste followers.
as for your understanding of development - the less said the better..for instance, as another commenter here pointed out - as long as one doesn't understand the problems that confronted the earlier govts., in diverting water from rivers in high altitude areas like telangana... one would continue to reel under the illusion that what was not possible in a united state would be possible under a separate state..
protecting linguistic identities doesn't mean promoting loose identities based on dialects - if that is to be the case, there has to be a separate state for every fifty kilometres or so in a.p., because the dialect spoken changes so significantly according to linguistic experts.
to conclude, let me repeat what i said earlier- the burden of 'neglect' that pro-separatists repeatedly raise should be shared by both the centre and the state.. therefore a separate nation and not a separate state shouild be the logical demand... but then, logic hasn't been a strong point of separatists.
Kuffir, You write:
ReplyDeletetherefore a separate nation and not a separate state shouild be the logical demand...
OK. I concede. You want to fight for a separate Telangana as nation. Please go ahead, garner support, and fight! Wish you all the best!
I am still for a separate Telangana as a state, not a nation!
And canals can be built to Telangana! Its not about highlands. However, the detractors want to give different reasons for impracticality! British gave 101 reasons why it was impractical to give freedom to India!
ReplyDelete'OK. I concede. You want to fight for a separate Telangana as nation. Please go ahead, garner support, and fight! Wish you all the best!'
so you agree that the demand for a separate state is illogical.. as for fighting- that's what i am doing right now.. and doing it in telangana (and on the net through my blog). trying to explain to as many as possible that the idea of a separate state is a foolish idea that only helps a few greedy upper caste communities and a few unemployed politicians.. and a few safely-ensconced-in-the-distance-armchair-revolutionaries...
'And canals can be built to Telangana! Its not about highlands. However, the detractors want to give different reasons for impracticality!
and i wish you'd 'garner' a little more facts about 'stark realities' etc., before you decide to deliver judgment on issues that would have no bearing on your comfortasble lifestyle, one way or the other... but could tear apart the lives and destinies of millions of people.
i used to think the trs and its semi-literate leadership and 'intellectual think tank' have mostly been successful in leading astray only illiterate people through innovative communication strategies.. folks like you who borrow their hollow, unsubstantiated conclusions - what should they be called? ask any politician from any party, off the record, (including trs)in karimnagar, warangal or any district...do they really think large areas can be irrigated (using godavari waters)without pumping? and who's going to pay for the power used for the pumping? it's going to cost, according to rough estimates, around 10000-15000 per acre. how many farmers can afford that? and if unlimited power is to be used to generate free power to pump water, from underground and from rivers, to farms...what can you assure industries? i guess, you'd use free coal from singareni to produce free power... and who's going to pay the workers at singareni? okay you'd tax the cash cow - the citizens and businesses in hyderabad.. so that existing industries/software units would pack their bags and leave for bangalore (like you)...or chennai ..or go to america or germany or wherever..run away from telangana! great idea!
'British gave 101 reasons why it was impractical to give freedom to India!'
this is another favorite line of the trs and tdf - are you sure you have any original arguments/evidence to support separate telangana? this argument would be tenable if you were asking for independence, which you're not. you contradict yourself with these arguments - you seem to think the govt of india is okay... so i assume your only problem is with the govt of andhra pradesh. which means that you've to prove that successive govts of andhra pradesh, constituted by duly elected successive legislatures ...comprising of members from all regions, including telangana, had conspired to keep telangana underdeveloped..now how will you prove that? it can't be proved because the people of telangana were also a party in the elections of these governments. so, what's the fuss all about?
nothing - only an effort to satisfy the varying needs (for power, attention etc.,) of 'a few greedy upper caste communities and a few unemployed politicians.. and a few safely-ensconced-in-the-distance-armchair-revolutionaries...' as i said earlier.
ReplyDeleteso you agree that the demand for a separate state is illogical..
I said I concede that I will not be able to debate with you because you are equating ‘demand for a state’ with ‘demand for a nation’, which I find illogical. I never said that the ‘demand for a state’ is illogical. How do you think I can say that when the basis for this article was that I believe in more number of states in India.
i used to think the trs and its semi-literate leadership and 'intellectual think tank' have mostly been successful in leading astray only illiterate people through innovative communication strategies..
Kuffir, you think Telangana movement is something promoted by TRS alone. That’s not the case. Even now the ‘demand for Telangana’ is very much promoted in the intellectual circles of Telangana. Most of the academia, scientist community of Telangana are strong supporters of a separate state.
folks like you who borrow their hollow, unsubstantiated conclusions -
Look, Kuffir, I don’t know who you are and I don’t what is the level of your intelligence. Why do you think anyone is borrowing TRS’s claims? A ‘demand for a separate state’ is something I am familiar with even growing as a kid. TRS is something new. TRS has in fact borrowed our ideology and is trying to capitalize on it.
do they really think large areas can be irrigated (using godavari waters)without pumping?
You are ignorant. Have you heard of Pochampad Project?
i guess, you'd use free coal from singareni to produce free power... and who's going to pay the workers at singareni?
You are ignorant again. Huge chunk of power from Khammam is taken up by Andhra regions.
this is another favorite line of the trs and tdf - are you sure you have any original arguments/evidence to support separate telangana?
Look, you are vexing me. I am wasting my time here trying to answer your inane argument. I made it clear that it is TRS that has borrowed the idea from the proponents of a separate Telangana, not the other way round.
so i assume your only problem is with the govt of andhra pradesh.
You make too many assumptions. Don’t do that. You start losing yourself in your assumptions. I never said the problem is with Government of AP or with Government of India. It is just that sometimes aspirations of certain people are better served when they have their own administrative unit. I do demand for more states in India (I am repeating myself here- just because you do not care to read premise)- including Telangana.
now how will you prove that?
You don’t need to prove anything. Either people want a separate state or they do not. You should just look around to see if Telangana is doing better than Andhra region or not. Look, I am not accusing anyone here- not the Andhra people, or the people in power. I just think that we need to come up with a mechanism in which the leaders are more accountable to a certain region which seems to be backward for quite long time- and that can be done in India by having 50 or more states.
End of Discussion. You are free to write more about this on your blog!
'inane', 'ignorant', and what else..? i'm glad you didn't resort to much coarser abuse..
ReplyDeletethe demand for telangana finds easy supporters among some selfish, semiliterate folks who have nothing personal to lose.. you've nursed this idea since you were a kid? of course you did. i was a kid when the first movement was launched and i've grown up.. the 'intellectuals' you refer to - a sundry group of retired chief engineers (who have nothing to lose again because their children are in the u.s.,), a frustrated ex-vice chancellor who's bent on propagating his own brand of half-baked pseudo-history (he probably has kids in the u.s., too), assorted rsswallahs and ex-naxals - you call these 'intellectuals'? does any of them have even the most basic understanding of development economics? power from khammam is diverted to andhra - so what? have you calculated how much power is diverted from non-telangana regions to provide free power to around 20 lakh pumpsets in telangana? pochampad means that yuou can use the gravity prionciple in all regions? which chief engineer told you this?
grow up - whatever fantasies you entertained as a child, you've to start logically testing their premises. if you think the demand for a separate adminstrative unit is justified... gather the guts and the courage to ask for a separate nation because the govt of india should also be held responsible for whatever 'neglect', if it's proven, telangana has been subjected to .
i'd written more than once on my blog about this subject- here's a link to the first post - which reproduces a letter i'd written to the telangana development forum more than two years ago : http://kufr.blogspot.com/2006_07_01_kufr_archive.html ..
i haven't received a proper reply from them until now.. just like i haven't received a proper reply from you until now. they live in the u.s.,, you live in bangalore - the least i am asking 'telangana-loving' people like them and you is to put your money where your mouth is... the andhraites you hate so much are the biggest investors in telangana right now. you, on the other hand - what should one call you?
First of all, you are crazy. Second, I am from Hyderabad and I feel that there shouldn't be a separate state, reasons follow: First, separate state takes a long time to form in today's government. It was easier before, now it isn't as easy. Second, If we have a separate state, then projects like Fab city, Hyderabad Airport, Sky bus, Hyderabad Metro, ORR, and numerous projects will halt and eventually disappear from the state only for the reason that government will not support it after the new state. Third, The state will be too busy trying to form new rules, so crime, and other factors will incorporate in it. Not to mention Hyderabad is a hot spot for terrorists, so this new state will only trigger more terroristic actions. So think again and speak. Andhra is already becomming better than Karnataka and the looks of a future for Andhra is secure. Don't ruin it now. That's what I say.
ReplyDeleteHello Anonymous:
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, you are crazy.
Yes, I am crazy. So were those who carved out India out of British Empire. Those people who carved out Andhra Pradesh from Madras Presidency were crazy too. So were those who created Himachal Pradesh. Also, those who created Uttaranchal.
First, separate state takes a long time to form in today's government.
Really? How long did it take to create Uttaranchal out of UP? How long did it take create Jharkhand out of Bihar? How long did it take to create Goa?
Second, If we have a separate state, then projects like Fab city... will halt
Really? Why would they halt? Did you look at what's happening to Uttaranchal and Jharkhand? They are getting more projects than ever before after creation of new states.
Third, The state will be too busy trying to form new rules, so crime, and other factors will incorporate in it.
Where did you go to school to study your civics, economics and history. It would interesting to meet the teachers at that school.
How long was Uttaranchal busy to form 'new rules, etc' and how did the crime creep into that state?
Have fun!
I have grown up my major part of life in karimnagar(Talangana).We people have been explioted for many years. There is no importance to telangana people in its own land.
1) How many statues on tankbund(which is originally our's) has telangana people on it.
2) How many poets of telangana are famous? People like kaloji, dhasharathi were not
given any significance.
3) Most people from telangana villages go to mumbai in search of jobs.People are not given jobs in thier own region. Most of the jobs are consumed by people of andhra.
4) Most of the telangana freedom fighters were marked as naxalites and killed.
5)Politically people from telangana were not allowed to grow.
We are fighting for our own land n I think that should be justified. We are not telling people of andhra to go out of the region but we need the power to RULE!!!!!
With the clamour for separate states coming in from differnet part of India the supporters of these movements need to understand the economic viability of these states.
ReplyDeleteAshish Bose coined the term BIMARU in the 1980s to highlight the 'sickness' of the states in India's Hindi Belt. compared to the rest of India. The acronym "BIMARU" was coined with a purpose: the word "Bimaar" in Hindi means "sick"; the acronym "BIMARU" brings forth images of debilitation and lack of progress, which were characterized as being hallmarks of the states of Bihar , Madhya Pradesh , Rajasthan and UP.
The one factor that is common these states apart from the Language is that they are landlocked.
Land-locked ecomonies represents a significant economic handicap and a barrier to growth. Most of the worlds poorest countries are landlocked. For example the costs of transporting a standardized oil container to a landlocked state is 50% higher for a landlocked state/country than a coastal state/country.
A further problem for some land-locked countries is that the obvious transit state ; in some cases a state from which this state might have separated may have no interest in actually facilitating the movement of consignments across its territory. The overall impact is that land-locked states/countries, and their economies, are unusually vulnerable to both exogenous events and the actions of other states/countries.
So the so called intellectuals who are supporting the cause of these separations should remember economics apart from knowing that rivers always end their journery in sea and dont disappear mid-way.
Sujai, show some maturity , I dont think breaking a state improves situation , improvement comes with leadership and improvement comes with persistence.Ppl are being mislead by leaders for there own cause , even a new state is created there is no guarantee that those bastards will work for development of the new state.I was born in vijayawada , brough up in hyd , n did my studies in mahaboob nagar. This is my land n I dont like leaders breaking my ANDHRA PRADESH for there own cause . Even now we r recognosied as MADRASI by others,by breaking the state we will not have recognition also.
ReplyDeleteI saw a comment where somebody was mentioning "How many great telangana ppl statues were there on tank band " , I just wonder if that fellow who ever posted that comment was INSANE .Sujai ru telling bout telangana to ppl who want to break gr8 personalities of telugu literature into regions.Breaking into regions is no big deal , but LEADERSHIP is .Please stop this provocative blogs n fight for unity of ANDHRA PRADESH. If ur soo concerned go n get 1st hand report of leaders n development in telangana,and help in some developmental activities.I hope instead of writing shit u will follow my advise n go help ppl at grass root level ,participate in development of telangana.
ReplyDeleteWhy a new state "Why not a new country" , Even russsia has split into multiple countries and we know where russia stands now.
I would have loved to see so called "Telangana Tigers" Freeing themselves from Nizam Rule without the intervention of Indian Army.
What were these telangana people doing when Nizam was ruling them.Who was nizam? and where did nizam come from?.Telangana people allowed nizam who was not even a part of this country to rule them and now they are fighting for seperate state.You should never be given a seperate state for you preferred the slavery of Nizams and you are talking about cultural aspects.
ReplyDeleteWhy a new state "Why not a new country"
I have written many comments above as reply to this argument – ‘Why not a new country?’ Please read them to know my stand on this argument.
Most detractors of new states and new districts reduce this argument to a ‘demand for new country’ and thereby make it look nonsensical or traitorous. I find that reduction silly and not worth giving a serious merit.
I don’t know anything about so called ‘Telangana Tigers’. I don’t mention them in my article above. Your attempt is seen as ridiculing Telangana people which will NOT go down very well with people of Telangana, who are very much fighting that ridicule. Your ridicule actually vindicates the Telangana’s people argument that they are ridiculed by people of other regions of Andhra Pradesh!
You should never be given a seperate state for you preferred the slavery of Nizams and you are talking about cultural aspects.
What a stupid argument!
That way none of the princely states of India (which total 500 odd) should be given separate state. Then how come J&K is a separate state? How come Sikkim a separate state? How come Goa a separate state?
Is it ignorance or gross foolishness?
You might not have written it in your article "Telangana Tigers" but there are people taking the roads with such voices and statements.Whether you say it or not the statements are being issued openly and are pro telanagana statements.People are taking rallies and shouting on the street "go away andhrites as this land belongs to telangana people and if anybody comes in their way , they will be slaughtered".
ReplyDeleteYou will be ridiculed when you deserve to be ridiculed.Nobody will praise you when you are in a position to be ridiculed. Did'nt the Britishers and Mughals ridicule the entire nation and why did they ridicule because you yourselves put yourself in a situation to be ridiculed.Why were the Britishers able to rule you for centuries Because you never learned to stay united.Does'nt the History teach you about "Divide and Rule" policy of the Britishers.
First of All "Andrites are not ridiculing Telangana people and it is Telugu people ridiculing Telugu People".
People from other states too ridicule telugu people as whole and people from North India also ridicule the entire southern states and call them "Madrasis" even though they can be from any other state.
Your so called Andhrites ridicule and cheat their fellow Andhrites too. Telangana People also cheat Telangana people and ridicule the telangana people.Every body knows how the "Telangana Doras" exploited the poor telangana people.
Think again about the fact that we are able to express our inner voice or views so freely.So whom does the credit goes to?Answer me sujai whom does the credit goes to for the fact that you and me are able to discuss freely on certain issues on the country?
Answer me what were the causes and who were responsible for the numerous raids on this country,the centuries of foreign rule , the success britishers,Mughals,Alexander.Who is responsilbe for turning this rich country into what it is today and whatever state it is in Today?
Do'nt answer me that You never mentioned these things in your article and it is out of context.
ReplyDeleteAnswer these-
Should there be only one state in India? Should there be no further division of districts or creation of Taluks or Mandals. Shouldn't change in demographics (disproportionate increase in population or disproportionate distribution of resources) warrant a change in these borders?
Should Karnataka and Tamil Nadu be unified just because few Kannadigas protest and ask Tamils to quit?
Stupidity cannot be combated with reason.
'There are so many states in India? Why? Why did we break up this great country into states? Why did we break the great states into districts? Oh! My god! These people are dividing my nation. Now, British and Mughals will once again rule this country!'
Sorry, I cannot save you there. Delusion and Paranoia are not cured here on this blog. You have to approach few other people for that.
Not your fault Sujai.You surely are suffering from "Identity Crisis".While most of the Nation and rest of the World is saying "India India" guys like you cannot digest that and they want to hear more of "telangana telangana". Could not fight the Nizams , Could not fight the Britishers so you want to pick up some issue with your fellow Indians.
ReplyDeleteWe owe a lot to the people who died for independence of this country and whose traces cannot be even found and neither can I or the country repay them.They showed the whole country an example and the power of staying united and working in the interest of the nation rather than fighting over self egos.
You need freedom or seperation from your false pride and selfish egos else you would see the rest of the world march far ahead of you in terms of developments and you as a country would be susceptible to losses.
Could'nt convince you but I made my efforts.But One thing I surely know is telangana will progress slowly as time goes by as India is becoming a place for good opportunities and there are people who believe in the telugu concept and Indian Concept rather than Telangana or any other subdivisionary concepts.
Not your fault Sujai.You surely are suffering from "Identity Crisis".While most of the Nation and rest of the World is saying "India India" guys like you cannot digest that and they want to hear more of "telangana telangana". Could not fight the Nizams , Could not fight the Britishers so you want to pick up some issue with your fellow Indians.
ReplyDeleteWe owe a lot to the people who died for independence of this country and whose traces cannot be even found and neither can I or the country repay them.They showed the whole country an example and the power of staying united and working in the interest of the nation rather than fighting over self egos.
You need freedom or seperation from your false pride and selfish egos else you would see the rest of the world march far ahead of you in terms of developments and you as a country would be susceptible to losses.
Could'nt convince you but I made my efforts.But One thing I surely know is telangana will progress slowly as time goes by as India is becoming a place for good opportunities and there are people who believe in the telugu concept and Indian Concept rather than Telangana or any other subdivisionary concepts.
Telugu First!
ReplyDeleteTelugu First!
ReplyDeleteOrey nee yebba KCR,
ReplyDeleteFirst control your tongue.
Behave like a good politician.
If you want get the seperate state in a proffessional way, not by scolding non-sense words to Andhra ppl. Just read this comments from onewebsite,This is waht ppl http://www.greatandhra.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=11307
--A Hyderabadi..
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. When the whole world is talking about globalization these guys try to travel back to stone age. What is more hypocritical about them is that they travel 10000 miles away stealing jobs from the locals, and they come back to India and preach about local jobs. Then their counter parts, the TRS party, the passport brokers and human traffickers talk about Andhra cheaters. It is very scary what would happen if these guys get control of this region.
Hey Seshu, Obviously from your comments it's evident that you did not read the article completely. it's because of people like you we need telangana.
ReplyDeleteFirst let the leaders of Telangana believe these reasons before Seshu or me believe this. You guys go through this roller coaster ride and screw up rest of AP. To tell the truth, people of AP, including telanganites are fed up with these antics.
ReplyDeleteu have done a fantastic communication resarch.
ReplyDeleteHi Sujai,
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you, I am from Hyderabad(Local Area),Let me tell you, right from childhood I have seen lot of people from Andhra region and telangana region and I was not able to see any differences between them except the dialect and bit of culture difference, and I respect people from all regions. The people from hyderabad might seem to be harsh(due to dialect) but they are down to earth and they accept people from all regions of AP/India.I haven't seen any hyderabadi person hating people from andhra region, But lot of people who migrated to hyderabad from andhra regions either for education/job or business purposes, forget that they are immigrants to the city and start making fun of the local language, which is not fair and looking further the only powerful media is cinema industry(which is dominated by some idiots not helpful for society in any way but indirectly rips off the money from people) which also makes fun of the telangana language, I haven't seen any single entertainment movie from telangana region( I feel bad for that and not really aware of the reason) And I never seen any text book from my school which talks about the telangana people struggle from nizams/Razak rule or explains much about telangana festivals or culture compared to culture of Andhra Region, Why is this disparity?
As it is common sense that the people migrating to hyderabad should respect the culture and dialect of local region, but when they start making fun of it and more over there is no doubt people from Andhra region are knocking down people in telanagana region both poltically and economically, knowing all this will definitly boil the blood of every telangana person. There is a limit for each and every aspect of domination, You can bend the stick only to certain extent, if you still bent it it will no more be a stick it will be two sticks.
I want my mohalla (neighborhood) to be a separate state since we are so different and it will improve the efficiency in administration ;)
ReplyDeleteI want my mohalla (neighborhood) to be a separate state since we are so different and it will improve the efficiency in administration ;)
Please go ahead and fight for your separate state. You have the right to do so! Whether you get it or not depends on how you are going to convince others ;-)
who are not infavoure of seperate telangana answer pls
ReplyDeleteAre they ready to change the name the state Andhra pradhesh to telangana Pradhesh atleast.
For those who are opposing telangana state, let me ask you all a question. Why do we have smaller states like mizoram, manipur nagaland sikhim etc in the northeast, do you know how small these states are ? why not make a single notheastern state? why are there smaller state like Goa, kerala? merge it with neighbouring states. why was haryana separated from punjab? why is haryana becoming a rich state after it has been made a separate state?
ReplyDeleteFirst of all thanks to all for giving the insight on Telangana. I never understood the reason behind the new state but some of the issues mentioned here are nice to hear but not convincing. And about making fun of Telangana (dialect) I think this goes for any dialect which becomes famous. Lot of people make fun of Bombayya slang too but it might not mean that they are derogating them. I myself was amused by the Telangana dialect and tried to practice lot of times :) (I like it). Moreover culture and history does not depend on what other people think of you it depends on what you think within yourself. I think there are more important reasons to be worried about in our country than this. I need to study more about this power, irrigation issues in Telangana region before I make any comments on seperate state though.
ReplyDeleteBut me being from Srikakulam area can certainly say this ... Its not that Telangana is the only region neglected. Any region which do not have strong leaders who can lobby for their region get neglected. I think solving this issue from top-down approach (state-district-village) will not solve the problem because of our corrupted leaders. This is the case with any place in world. Fighting among ourselves will only give some selfish people to succeed. Better way (i don't say its easy or practical ;)) is to work from grass root level and become a model for others. This is the only way anyone will get recognition. Lets stay united and work towards progress.
Ok back to more reading on this issue. :)
Good Suji.. Telangana has been totally neglected because ogf Nizam's. I found one more similar blog (http://www.telanganadeccan.blogspot.com/), but the verdict is not in favor of a separate state
ReplyDeleteChandu Reddy
Chandu Reddy:
ReplyDeleteI am a big supported of creation of more states in India. I believe there should be at least 20 more states in India. Our states are too big.
There is no animosity towards people of Andhra, there is no animosity towards people of Rayalaseema. I believe people can live in different states of India and feel they are part of that state.
However, I do not understand the bitter opposition to creation of new states.
Creation of states is a healthy practice - it should not be curbed.
There are some people who believe that we will get separated. How will we get separated? The bonds will always be there. We will continue to have friends from different states irrespective the reconfiguration of states. We will continue to go and settle in different states.
Don't we watch movies made in Mumbai, Chennai and Hollywood?
Thank you.
Telugu mundhu. Atharavathe edhaina. Person who started this blog should know that Telugus have come under one banner after thousands of years. Let's not waste this opportunity by separating ourselves into distinct identities by exaggerating them. I am from Khammam, grew up in Adilabad and living in Hyderabad. So that makes me a "complete telangainite" i suppose. People from Telangana should focus on correcting the faults by treating AP on the lines of a "quasi-federal" state, by disburing the state resources to the three regions of AP depending on the political, economic and cultural requirements and at the same time protect the rights of rayalaseema(which is a smaller region relatively) by giving it special considerations. Telanagana is not doing all that bad as some here seem to think. We have a person Vinod Akula named in Time 100 most influential people of the planet just last year and we boast the only prime minister from south india who completed his five year term and is considered as the man who opened india to economic reforms. We are best at what we do if we put our mind to it and let's for god's sake not separate from our telugu brethern by hiding our laggard nature. Telangana and Andhra complement eachother in one important way. Though Telugu literature and culture flourished in Telanagana for a long time, it was put to break due Nizam rule for centuries while rest of telugu people went about their cultural evolution without many hiccups. Here is where we need to understand what we can gain from our fellow telugu people. I don't mean to undermine ourselves by submitting to their dictates, but take inspiration from them in is it that is good about them(they speak telugu which is less arabic, turkish influenced) and at the same time preserve and nourish our own dialect. Jai Telugu!
ReplyDeleteHi Sujai,
ReplyDeleteI read ur post. Good .But I will tell you few more things because u only said from ur side or "Telangana" side. Let me write my views here:
Let me tell you that I am born and bought up in hyderabad and I am here from last 30 yrs.I am from a rural area in Kurnool.My father is from middle class and joined Indian army.Since a ex-servicemen can settle anywhere in India we settled in Hyderabad.
So according to 'T' guys conclusion I am a andhra guy. I have seen major parts of AP.Ok now this is my introduction.
Now let me shoot out my questions:
1)There was no state called "Telangana" When Nizam ruled.It was hyderabad state.When India was divided into states depending on Linguistics Nizam ruled hyd. was also got divided into 3 parts(Maharastra,Karntaka and AP).Then why you say Telangana state was there and we want our state back.
There were only 9 districts and Andhra has 12. If you go and see the examples in any mergers when small state/river/company is merged with bigger one bigger river/state/company is retained(here 12 dist of andhra were greater than 9 telangana dist) so we got the name Andhra pradesh.
2)Before TRS started telangana issue peopel in AP were cool and they never say from which part of the state u belong. Now a days people ask this question first and start there conversation.I have many friends from Nalgonda,karimnagar,Warangal.Even today we never fight with each other on customs/langauage. One of my Bhongiri friend is going to marry a vizag girl.When we don't have issue by staying together why people like you try to break the bonding.Why u support this issue.Being a educated guy fight for your area developement.Not for separate state.Hyderabad is on developement road if you break the state its absolutely problem for both of us.
As a educated guy you shud educate people for there development.What is the difference between you and the uneducated political leader ?
I had a huge respect for Congress when PV narshima rao was in gov.Then I had respect for Atal jee.Do something which is good for state and Country.Don't support all this nonsense.Do you think its only because on Andhra rulers Telangana did not developed ??
i)Except for hyderabad show me one place in AP which is as good as this ?
ii)From Telanaga 4 CMs were there what they did for Telanaga/whole AP ??
iii)When Kasu Brahmananda reddy was our CM we got many industries in Hyderabad(You have to accept this).To my knowledge he is from Krishna/prakasham district.If he has his own local feeling for krishna district he wud have put these industries in Vijaywada.Did he do that?
iv)The complete area is ruled by britishers what ever Dams are constructed in East/west godavari are constructed only by them and not by AP gov. People from Andhra and Rayalseema came and settled in Hyderabd and not in Adilabad,karimnagar or Nizamabad because this is our capital and how can you say you have done a great favour by allowing us.Is it your kingdom?
v)When andhra state was there kurnool was our capital.After merging also if that remained the capital even you guys wud have come there and settled.I don't have to come to hyderabd to setlte since its(kurnool) my place.I wud have stayed back there.
vi) Its not only Telangana districts which are not developed even places in Andhra and rayalseema are not developed.Go to Ahobilam once.See the places b/w Allagadda-ahobilam,cuddapah,kurnool,anatapur,Jamala madugu,srikakulam etc etc.But they were fought for separate state.If we go on divind the states into smaller parts except ashes we dont have anything left out. BJP concept of smaller states is useless and baseless.Can anyone tell me how many districts shud be there to form a separate state ? No one because they themself don't know that. If 'T' state is formed tomorrow Velamas of karimnagar will ask for separate state for Velamas are u going to give that ??
Once I heard in news people in East or west godavari were having heavy rains due to cyclone and there paddy fields were washed out at the same time because of these rains northern andhra farmers had a very good crop.When a farmer was interviewed he was least bothered of East/west godavri and said if we gets rains like this we will have good income.One place people were crying because they lost everything and in one place it was good but they never ask to break the state.
vii) I heard 'Telangana' people saying Godavari is ours ? Can anyone tell me how is it urs? Its a national and natural property. It is born in Maharastra it passes thru many places.If everyone start constructing dams then godavari will stay only at starting point it won't move fwd. If you form a new state and start constructing dams the way you had problems with maharastra gov. on BABLI Andhra leaders will go against you to court.
So my only thing which I want to say for you is being a educated guy fight for the development not for the separate state. Tell me clearly what you will do if you get a seprate state or what way you are going to develop it.Don't make another pakistan !! Educated guys are the future of this nation.If they only start talking like this I don't know where will land up in coming future!!! Think twice,thrice before you make any comments.
All the best to AP.
One more thing which I want to add depending upon comments made here:
ReplyDeleteOne guy said people from othe rparts say -"Hyderabad vallaki balupu ekkuva".
I want to ask you have u never said to ur friend /enemy who goes to more developed area like America this line"US ki velina valaki balupu yekuva??" . This is comoon thing which people say.It doesn't mean All hyderabadis or or telangan guys are idiots or something else.
You can see in many films and serials people immitating East godavari slang and many telngana people also tease the saying u guys says "aayee".
We are group of 10 from all parts of AP.we tease each other on our slangs but we never said ur fool or we are great.
Without knowing the geography (climatic conditions and etc) don't say andhra rulers have stolen ur water. Godavari is not ours. The cyclone effect is majorly seen in East/west godavari or Nellore not in Telangan area.If telanaga is starving its the people at centre need to be blamed because the water committes checks whether u have feasibility in constructing dam or not.Its not KCR or telagana people who will decide where to construct a DAM.
Without knowing this how yu posted this topis Mr.Sujai ?
Just seeing the greenary in Andhra side you can't say Andhra guys are cunning or stolen ur water or they are happy and developed.What development is made in Andhra side.Only the state capital got developed nothing else.
Andhra Pradesh is developing now if u break its loss for you because starting from scratch takes yu more time to build.I don't care if u stay with Andhra or not. I only see whether the people fighting for a cause is right /wrong.Smaller states -faster development I won't agree because u don't have threshold point i.e you can't say how many districts = 1 state.If each district = 1 state then only god can help you.
Let me answer another question:
"who are not infavoure of seperate telangana answer pls
Are they ready to change the name the state Andhra pradhesh to telangana Pradhesh atleast."
See all mergers when a small thing is merged with bigger one its the bigger one name retained. Telangana has 9 district and Andhra has 12.
So Andhra's name is retained.
Now I ask you if we change the name are you going to stop fighting for separate Telangana.
If the answers is "yes" that means you are jealous of andhrites.Its not for your development ur fighting you just want to show your dominance.
Other one:
"Jai Telangana, We need our identity back. WE lost not only identity also lost - Lands,Jobs,Water especially we lost our lives."
What you have lost boss?The one who bought ur land is lost for 30 yrs.The land rates have gone up recently.If you have sold ur land 20 yrs back then ur in profit for these 20 yrs and the guy who has bought is in loss for these yrs.now he is enjoying the benefit that means ur not at all in loss.Lost water- Are u r mad ? The thing whihc is not ur's how can u loose it.Did godavari born in telnagan region.It just flows thats it.It doesn't mean its ur's. If ur wife comes to my home does it belong to me? Or vice versa .
This point about water is the most funniset thing which I always hear from KCR and u people even after being educated repeat it/support it.
After reading all the messages I feel state shud be divided in ot Telangana,Rayalseems,Uttarandhra,dakshin andhra what ever possibles ways break them.
ReplyDeleteI say this because people from all regions started hating each other to such a extent that people now claim natural resource as their own.They are not even leaving water,temples dams etc tec.
I heard someone saying Tankbund is our's.Abbey terey baap ney khoda kya.You idiot that was built by Nizam how is it yours ?
I pray god to break whole state into pieces that will stop our growth and I will be most happiest to see this.
This shud be starting and all other states also shud get divided.The more th epolitician the more the number of states b'coz they too want employement.For how many yrs they will me only MLA's even they want promotion.
One more thing boss!!
ReplyDeleteSujai you said-"even after divided we still have brotherhood and affection" this is most silly statement you have given.
Even after staying in AP for 50 yrs you still have Telangana NGO,Telangana press club,Telangana Development board etc etc.For rest of AP you only have AP NGO etc etc.You won't find East godavri dev. board.west godavari employee union etc.
From the beginning you only voted to have telangana state you never fought for your development.Now you shout that is our right.You forgot whats your basic right.Have you ever fought to have good roads in ur place?Have u ever fought for good schools,infrastructure ?
The answer is absolutely "No".Because you only give vote to sentiments not to real cause.Don't say we fought but we didn't get because of Andhra people? This state is even ruled by 4 CM's from telangana.And the BEST PM (PV narsimha rao)himself is from ur place.Why don't u blame those guys ?
From the early stages you never want to be united.Ok let me comment on ur own analysis:
"when AP was formed literate andhra guys have stolen our jobs" .This is what you guys said.
My answer: Let us think telangana is formed and according to your dreams you now have huge req. in state for jobs.. Are you going to recruit educted guys of telangana or non-educated guys ??
If your answer is "educated" guys then that what happened when AP state was formed.Andhra guys who are educated got the job.
From last 10-15 yrs how many govt.
recruitments have happened? Previously Telangana people or not educated now they are but every one is joining private firms why?
Because no govt.jobs and private firms pay you more.
Now someone here said "Telangana people go to Maharastra for jobs"
My answer: This is regular thing which happen everywhere.Adilabad guy don't come to hyd. to work because he choose the nearest developed city.Anatpur guys go to Bangalore and not to hyderabad.Srikakulam guys prefer ORISSA.All telangana people don't go to maharastra for jobs.
Sujai You said- "Thermal power produced here and use in Andhra".
My answer: How much contribution in rice production does telangana gives in overall AP.The rice which u get is from other parts of AP and not from Telangana.If something is produced here even other things are produced in other parts of the state.Transferring/sharing of resouces happens everywhere.If that not happening catch hold of the people whom you vote or boycott elections. which you won't do because if they show u 100rs and a beer/kalu/sara bottle u will vote.Thats it.Its not only in telangana all people are like that .They vote for money.
Sujai you were talking about pochampadu.If you search for geographical conditions of telangana the problem is ur districts are higher than the riverflow.To give you water we need to construct dams in much higher place due to which many villages in maharastra will drown.This is the reason where Central water committe comes into picture.and they will tell you where to construct .Its not easy as you people are thingking.The best suitable for your problem is drip irrigation/micro irrigation. You normally do this irrigation in places where u have water scarcity.
You give eample of uttarachal which is a part of UP from beginning. Anantpur is also not developed.Many parts of rayalseema did not developed but they never had problems.They never fought to get divided.The ways our cities like nizamabad,adilabad developed even kadap ,kurnool also developed.You are talking about interiors of telanaga..even if u go interiors os every district you can see the same thing happening everywhere.
Now its ur choice to be in a Unbited state or break it into pieces.I don't care.Because If you take my example being a educated guy I can live anywhere in India.I know how to get my food.Even being born and bought up in hyderabad from past 30 yrs being a Telanagan guy I still have brotherhood feeling for Telangana guys,Andhra guys and Rayalseema guys..I don't distinguish them depending upon places.
Even if telangana intellectual support "Telangana state formation" they won't rule this state because KCR and other political parties will not allow them to rule it.Why to think of KCR you ur self will never vote to a educated person. "Let us see how many votes will Jaiprakash narayana (Loksatta) will get in next election." To prove my point remeber this statement till next election.If Lok satta wins the election or get many seats then I agree that Telangana will be ruled by educated guys.
History have examples-"best intellectuals are not best managing guys". Sachin tendulkar being a best palyer he is not a good captain,Manmohan singh -best FM but waste PM. history repeats boss.
Anyways its waste of our time to discuss because you already decided to have a separate state without knowing all these.I am writting so that even if you know these facts u will educate other guys.
In the interest of full disclosure so that one could separate the biases from opinions from facts - Sujai - Where are you from? Is it Telangana?
ReplyDeleteHi pallavi,
ReplyDeleteYou said "We need our identity back. WE lost our identity.Fight for Telangana is a fight for justice and everyone who is fair minded should educate themselves and join the fight.50 years of looting has to come to an end or else there is a danger of loosing the identity. I am for separate Telangana."
You did not loose ur identity.Still people differentiate us saying rayalseema guy,Telangana guy,Godavari vadu etc etc.So as a person u didnot loose ur identity.Its ur feeling that u lost ur identity.
And when ever telugu literature day celebrations takes place the first 2 names are dasrathi and kaloji.How u people think they were neglected.Its again ur feeling.To prove ur point u guys always blame andhra guys and say they have stolen stolen stolen everything from u.....
Stop this nonsense yaar.I accept that telangana is under developed and need concentration.ITs not only telangana even rayalseema and north andhra (like srikakulam)are under developed(as some one already said before).Do you know why telangana became drougt area in mid eighties?
Its just because of your farmers.Telanagana had good water resource when NTR declared rice ra 2/kg all farmers from all places gone mad. They want to cultivate more and more paddy irrespective of climatic conditions.See the number of bores drilled at that time in telangana.Telangana has water scarcity ,rainfall was not proper and that reduced ur ground water levels which lead to farmers suicide.Is shortage of rainfall is due to Andhra/rayalseema guys?
Do you think andhra farmers forced telangana and rayalseema farmers to commit suicide?
Acc. to u guys coal is produced in khammam and "stolen" by Andhra then what about the natural gas got in "KG basin" of andhra? This gas is used by all over India so does it mean "Rest of India" stealing andhra resouce ??
I want my "Andhra" back I don't want ot stay with Telangana guys.People alwyas cursing saying we are cruel ,we are cunning.When a state is formed and Hyderabad is made state capital we will definitely come to this place.Eddi mee abba sommu kadu. If u come to that point then it also belong to the district which got merged to other states(maharastra and karnataka) at time of State reorganistaion.Before SRC it was hyderabad state after that its AP.There was no telangana state.
Being a capital people from various parts came here and they developed this.Telangana people never went to andhra/rayalseema why?Because when u have everything here why u will go there?
We came here because everything got developed here.Keep the govt. org. head quarters in Vizag.people will go there. Make adilabad as state capital and put ur govt. org there all will move to Adilabad and none will see Hyderabad.
If u want telangana state take it why u curse andhra guys? U want hyderabad because it is developed.
If you guys have guts I challenge u guys take telangana without hyderabad.There is no natural resource here.No river pass thru hyderabad.According to you all resources are in khammam,adilabad,nizamabad etc etc then take them all; leave hyderabad.Telanagana was part of hyderabd but Hyderabad is not a part of telangana.You say it because after SRC it came into Telangana district.
Do you have guts to accept my challenge.I say "No". Becauseu have seen the hyd.developement u want telangana with hyderabd as state capital.I accept telangana movement was since last 50 yrs but everytime, they ask for hyderabad. why u ask for it? You show me how many andhra/rayalseema guys settled in other districts of telangana?you can count on fingers?
You won't accept if telangana is given without hyderabad.You want hyderabad as ur capital because u cannot leave the huge revenue u get from hyderabad (from real estate,software exports).And you know why 'T' state debate is still dragging because u want a very very well developed part into ur state.You leave hyderabad then see.I can confidently say u will get 'T' state in 3 yrs.But u don't .You keep blaming andhra guys.As a capital of our state we all are resposible in developing this part.
I heard KCR saying "Warangal kotta andra vollu katindra" aani!! Ask him to stop this nonsense.There was no andhra or telanagana when it was constructed.When charminar was constructed there was no telangan or andhra.You urself don't know where ur forefathers-forefathers -forfather was present when charminar was constructed. KCR bastard is from srikakulam.His forefather settled here and now he talks about Telangana.
If you say we fought from razakkar then its make sense why ur claming kaktiya nad nizam construction as ur's.Does it make sens eto claim historical monuments as urs?We still have Nizam family somewhere in dubai/hyderabad we they say Falaknuma,Golconda,tankbund is ours r u going to give them all these ? Nizamabad is named by nizam on his own name.If their famils members claim it are u going to give it?
You say u lost ur identity.We just moved 100kms to state capital thinking this is our state.Many guys who expressed their views are present in US. If u have so much affection to ur "Telangana" why did u went to US ? If u say for ur career? Then u don't have right to comment on any guy in India. Stay back here.Fight for ur rights.Seating in a/c rooms and commenting on andhra guys is easy.Andhra guys moved few 100kms for their career and that too in AP but u moved to other country and now u fight in US for Green cards.U take out a rally saying our green card applications are being delayed.As a Indian u want to settle there but u don't want andhra guys to come to telangana.How stupid guys u r?
And without shame when sonia visit NY "u guys shout in front of foreigners that we want telangana".Don't u think that India's name is getting bad in front of foreigners ?What ever shouting or nonsense stuff u want to do ,do it here . I request u not to make our country name bad in US.
Some of the above comments are discussed at my new article: Telangana II
ReplyDeleteI wanna answer few questions:
ReplyDelete1)And when ever telugu literature day celebrations takes place the first 2 names are dasrathi and kaloji.How u people think they were neglected.
Yes. Many of the Telanganites feel their literature, great people did not get enough recognition. Im one of them.Let me tell you why do we feel so.None of the text books I studied part of my education did not include the festivals and culture of Telangana. For an example, When 'Batukamma' is one of the biggest festivals in the place where I live, my text book talks about 'Atlathadde' which I would not relate to. I would have really appreciated if the book had all the festivals from AP in that book instead a festival from one place. None of the text books had the mention of Telangana struggle against Nizam. For god's sake the govt do not even celebrate the liberation of this land.Now it makes me feel that these things did not get through because an Andhra guy was at the helm of affairs who might have not known the importance of these things or felt it was nothing.
Now why so many people are feeling this identity crisis???
Because many Telanganites think that their identity is getting lost in a system which is not conducive for their culture to flourish. Im talking about a broader view of the identity here.
2)Its just because of your farmers.Telanagana had good water resource when NTR declared rice ra 2/kg all farmers from all places gone mad. They want to cultivate more and more paddy irrespective of climatic conditions.See the number of bores drilled at that time in telangana.Telangana has water scarcity ,rainfall was not proper and that reduced ur ground water levels which lead to farmers suicide.Is shortage of rainfall is due to Andhra/rayalseema guys?
Please do not spit venom.If you get to the rootcause, why the Telangana has water scarcity? Why the hell did they drill those borewells? There was no irrigation project developed in Telangana which could have develpoed the ground water levels. Why the farmers in Telangana have to depend on the wells, borewells when their counter parts get a feed from the canal? It is about the fair share. Telangana never got its fair share of the water, because of lack of irrigation projects.
3)We came here because everything got developed here.Keep the govt. org. head quarters in Vizag.people will go there. Make adilabad as state capital and put ur govt. org there all will move to Adilabad and none will see Hyderabad.
If u want telangana state take it why u curse andhra guys? U want hyderabad because it is developed.
Yes, man. I agree with you. There is no need to curse Andhra guys. I for one would not approve of it. No one has no rights to ask you to leave. We can go and dwell in any part of India. It is not about the people who came to live in Telangana. It is about the politicians and the big wigs in the administration system who have not been equally distributing the development.
4)If you guys have guts I challenge u guys take telangana without hyderabad.There is no natural resource here.No river pass thru hyderabad.According to you all resources are in khammam,adilabad,nizamabad etc etc then take them all; leave hyderabad.Telanagana was part of hyderabd but Hyderabad is not a part of telangana.You say it because after SRC it came into Telangana district.
Do you have guts to accept my challenge.
Now, why do Telanganites have to leave hyderbad out? It is an integral part of Telangana. If you are so concerned about the naming. Yeah Hyderabad is part of once Hyderabad state. It has more number of families who have been living there for centuries. It also has people who came in embraced it coming from various parts of country, not just coastal Andhra. Yeah, Hyderabad got developed because it was the capital. So wat? If you really think that people in Hyderabad wants to go with Andhra state, then probably there should be a need of sensus.May be you could elaborate. I did not get your point here.
"4)If you guys have guts I challenge u guys take telangana without hyderabad.There is no natural resource here.No river pass thru hyderabad.According to you all resources are in khammam,adilabad,nizamabad etc etc then take them all; leave hyderabad.Telanagana was part of hyderabd but Hyderabad is not a part of telangana.You say it because after SRC it came into Telangana district.
ReplyDeleteDo you have guts to accept my challenge.
Now, why do Telanganites have to leave hyderbad out? It is an integral part of Telangana"
Hmm..My meaning of leave hyderabad is not askiing any telangana guys to leave hyderabd.I am not mean to say that because I know how people are attached to a place when they are born and bought up.
My meaning of "leave hyderabad" is all telanagana district - hyderabad.
Thats it. I agree that there were less irrigation projects in telanaga due to which people went for borewells but that was not "Andhra guys" fault it was because of lack of planning of the governement.Andhra is in downstream where as telanagana is not.
I only say u fight for ur development and don't say that just because os andhra guys we lost identity ,jobs etc etc.
Figth for ur right.I repeat telanagan guys can always fight for their developement.Its not only telanagana all backward parts can fight for their development but breaking state is not the solution.
If people from Telangana want their separate state, want their own administration, want their own government then why should you deny them?
ReplyDeleteWhen Telangana Praja Samithi was formed in 1969 and contested the elections, they won almost all the seats where they contested. The same goes to TRS now.
If a bunch of murderers or rapists form a political party and demand separate state for Telangana, they are going to get ALL THE SEATS in Telangana. Why? Because the people want it and they are desperate to see their own administration for a change.
Why do people want it? It is not that TRS persuaded the people of Telangana to demand separate statehood, it is the other way round, TRS came into picture because people want a state. I have lived all my life in Telangana and it is quite easy to understand why people need a state.
I will not go into the details because I don't want to get dragged into an argument with these people and trust me, I never get into arguments with fools.
I would like to ask a few questions though. Mr. Andhraite, what difference will it make to you if we get a separate state? Why are you so adamant about not giving us our state? Why do you talk about Indianism, Patriotism, Teluguism, Oneness etc when we talk about Telangana? Why do you say that all telugu language speaking people are one and we should all live in a state when you yourself come and make fun of our "language" in 'your' movies?
If we get our state, you will still live in your Vijayawada and you will still have all the water and power because according to you, Telangana is not supplying you any water or Power.
You will still have the same level of employment because you say that Andhraites are not moving to Telangana and grabbing the jobs there.
Mr. Andhraite, you will still have a CM from your region as always, then why do you bother? You will have the same rate of development because, like you said, you are strictly using your own resources and you are self-sufficient.
You still have a problem with a separate telangana state? I wonder why...
Oh now I get it... you don't want us to get free from you, because, you are actually exploiting us...
I never heard a valid reason from anyone claiming to be an Andhraite about why Telangana should not be formed. And why didn't I hear it? Because there is none.
jai telangana, can we compare telangana with andhra region? you have advancedin all sectors like irrigation,agriculture,education,jobs, whatever it may be.unified andhra pradesh only give them to further exploition of telangana. other than seperate state there is no solution for telangana backwardness.
ReplyDeletem.adi narayana reddy
Mr Anonymous....I don't know who r u?...But I wanna ask one question ....How many of Telangana people working in Andhra region which is having 10 districts? compare the statistics with the people of Andhra whor working in Telangana Region?...What the hell is this...Y these r looting our jobs?.....If u wanna know the reality just go n c the video created by the www.telangana.com people...U can c the reality..How many acres of land is cultivated and How much water share we are getting..How many projects are finished in Telangana?...How deceptive Ur so called andhra rulers?...Take the statistics how many farmers died in Andhra and compare that number with Telangana Farmers. Compare Ur statistics in the cinema Industry ...How many persons became Heros in the so called industry from Telangana region....
ReplyDeleteIf you leave Hyderabad region, the state capital, where every citizen of the state has right to work, the stats will show there are more telanganites working in andhra region than the other way. Looks to me the biggest blunder is to make Hyderabad the capital. Of course the other blunder is to put the burden of Telanagna on the state of Andhra.
ReplyDeleteIf you leave Hyderabad region, the state capital, where every citizen of the state has right to work, the stats will show there are more telanganites working in andhra region than the other way. Looks to me the biggest blunder is to make Hyderabad the capital. Of course the other blunder is to put the burden of Telanagna on the state of Andhra.
ReplyDeleteAt any cost, we want a separate state "Telangana"!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is the right time to educate people in a rapid way,so that in the coming elections or b4 only we may have gudnews of separate telangana.. YS would be the last CM for United AP, still there is some ignorance in telangana educated peoples mind, lets wake them up n fight for it!
ReplyDeleteCheers T-Mates
Mr Vamsi,
ReplyDeleteLet me answer few of ur question.Don't go with whatever TRS says.I was going thru the BLOG and consolidating the answers given by many on this BLOG only:
How many of Telangana people working in Andhra region which is having 10 districts?
See most of the Andhra guys are working in Hyderabad.You can count on the number of Andhra people working in other telangana districts.Since Hyderabad is the state capital with all offices headquarters placed here u will definitely have large no. in Hyderabad.
So hyderabad contribution is highest in job creation when compared to other district of Telangana.
Looting our jobs…….
Does this question really make sense ?? 30 yrs back people joined in govt.jobs and now we have very very less govt. jobs. And in private sectore u don’t have reservation so anyguy from any part of India can come and join here. So u have only 2 option join any private firm and earn ur food or wait untill all these guys retire and u will get jobs.Wait till u get the notification for these govt. jobs. Is it mandatory that in Hyderabad only telangan guys shud work in private firms? Do we have any clause ?
So how they looting ur jobs ??
How many projects are finished in Telangana?...
Ok.I agree u have less projects.Even I curse govt. for not developing this.But how can separate state solve this issue of construction dams.We have many issue that are to be noted when we construct a dam. Telangana region is in upstream and andra in downstream.Even u build dams after getting new state where u will construct it.Your place need Lift irrigation and not dams .If u construct a dam many villages in maharastra will drown.Will they accept it ? Will the Centre water Commision(CWC) will allow u to construct dam there?
What has happened to “Polavaram”. This has environment issue and did not get the clearance. With separate telenagana r u going to get the clearance done for this.Do separate state concept really changes environmental issue also? Have u read anything about “Devadula”/”Ichampally projects” .Do you know:
“There is a complaint from National Thermal Power Corporation that the release of water from Sriramsagar project into Gutpha and Alisagar LI schemes would deprive the Ramagundam super thermal power station of water, which would in turn affect the power generation.”
“How many persons became Heros in the so called industry from Telangana region...”
This is most funniest thing which I am hearing these days.There is nothing called industry from Telanaga region.We used to have “Telugu” film industry in Madras for many years.We naver had “Andhra”/”Rayalseema”/”Telangana” film industry.When people wanted it to move to AP the first choice was Hyderabad since it’s the state capital.People moved from other parts of AP to Chennai join the industry .If telanagana people did not moved what can we do for that ?
As “Bix” said in other post don’t have grudge towards “Andhra” guys. Think proper solutions for the above problems and take right decision (You don’t have to tell me what are the solutions) whether u really need a separate state or not. You don’t have to shout on Andhra guys for every small thing.
One request to all ‘T’ guys who are posting here : Don’t get carried away by whatever TRS or Vijayshanti says!!! These guys remembered telangana only after 30 yrs. KCR remembered ‘T’ only when he did not get the post he required in TDP.Vijayshanti knows that shes don’t have any career in film industry and joined politics.If she really concerned about ‘T’ why she was associated with “ChandanaBROS” for so long. If she really feel Andhra guys are not good and done injustice to Telanganaa being a Telangana women why she accepted their offer? Don’t listen to their cock and bull stories.
Just see how it is helpful if you get a new state ?How will it solve ur problems?Does it really solve ur problems? If yes then fight for it else try to fight for u r development.
You have seen Chattisgarh And Jharkhand. If Telengana becomes separate, Naxalism will grow. Development will get hampered. Instead Ask for assurance of Minimum standards in Educational Facilities. Road Length equal to National Average, etc. Else, If Central Region of India gets Naxal dominated, India will see negative development. United AP is good for India.
ReplyDeleteI'm from Sangareddy. All this issue for a separate state is utter nonsense. It's the politicians who want to cash in on the sentment. KCR want's to be a CM and if he loses this chance, he'll never get another one. It's my humble request to all my Telugu brothers to please come to your senses at least now. Have you not studued since childhood that unity is strength? Have you forgotten how vile politicians of the day are? I urge you not to compare KCR and gang with the freedom fighters. Please, do you compare all stones to diamonds? It's high time we bring the people intoxicated by the sentiment back to reality. If the educated people become idle, dormant, the state will go to the dogs. Please join the cause at http://magneticgreen.spaces.live.com.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, i'd like to remind the people of Telangana that you are being led into a well. I don't need to give any new facts. In fact i cannot give more facts than already given here. Please people, do not let the wily politicians fool you. Don't let the point that if not for the sentiment, all the leaders who are big guys now, would be nobodys, escape from your mind.
Hi Sujai,
ReplyDeleteHave you ever visited interiors of Andhra? DO you know ho wbackward they are? I had visited many places in Telangana and all of them had better conditions than Andhra. There are good roads and other insfrastructure facilities. In Andhra side, Other than Vijayawada and Vizag other places are not that developed.
If you think that there are more illeterates in Telanagana why don't you go in such a way that Illiteracy is removed, instead of fighting for Telangana.
If few people asks for a seperate Telangana why should it be given. In united Andhra pradesh more than 70% of people doesn't want a seperate state. And even in TElangana districts most of the people doesn't want seperate state. I knew this pulse as I discuissed same issue with most of the people I meet at work place.
Do you know the pathetic road conditions and power cuts that happen in Andhra districts?
Wahtever you say Andhra people are nto ready for seperate State. As we knew that if the states are broken no development is going to happen other than that Politians will develop more financially
Hi KK,
ReplyDelete**30 yrs back people joined in govt.jobs and now we have very very less govt. jobs. And in private sectore u don’t have reservation so anyguy from any part of India can come and join here. So u have only 2 option join any private firm and earn ur food or wait untill all these guys retire and u will get jobs.Wait till u get the notification for these govt. jobs
Well, we ought to talk about two GOs here. GO 36 which was issued in 1969 and GO610 which was issued in 1985. Around 59000 non-locals were estimated to be appointed between 1969 to 1985 in Telangana region violating the GO. GO610 was issued in 1985 and in more than 20 years it has been constantly violated and never was implemented. What ever small number of recruitments are happening, it is being violated to date. Why?? Why are not they able to implement? Because every department in the govt is headed by Andhra guys who do not want this to happen. The records are claimed to be lost. Years would pass by, but never the reports are made. It is not just what happened 30 years go. It is, what has been happening all the while since the formation of AP. Every time Telanganites fight a new GO springs up which never would be implemented in eternity.
**Ok.I agree u have less projects.Even I curse govt. for not developing this.But how can separate state solve this issue of construction dams.We have many issue that are to be noted when we construct a dam. Telangana region is in upstream and andra in downstream.
This is a very lame and unreasonable excuse. If you wish to solve problems, there are solutions. You must look at the statistics of lot projects that started in Telangana and Andhra. Why would Telangana projects never finish? Nalgonda district is severely suffering from fluoride water. Two lakh people are crippled. Would it drown any place to provide to drinking water to those people? Polavaram or PothireddyPadu or any other project goes uninterrupted with any number of obligations. Talk about Telangana, No sorry, You can not build projects here. Why are the politicians scared to discus the share of water to each region?
**Just see how it is helpful if you get a new state ?How will it solve ur problems?Does it really solve ur problems? If yes then fight for it else try to fight for u r development.
Fifty years went fighting in vain. The fight for Telangana has always been coupled with development. It has been a fight to get the fair share. Would Telanganites needed to fight time and again, if this region were developed by a system headed by Andhra guys after 1969 movement. Telanganites now believe the only way to get the fair share is to get their own state and a system headed by their people.
Hi UnitedAP,
**You have seen Chattisgarh And Jharkhand. If Telengana becomes separate, Naxalism will grow. Development will get hampered
Naxalism is every where in AP. It is there in Guntur, Kurnool, Kadapa, Nellore, Godavari districts. Indeed, it started in a place called Srikakulam. Two of the ex-CMs were attacked in places out side Telangana. This is just another excuse. Detractors would keep on searching for things like this. Naxalism has long reduced to few people in Telangana. How many incidents have you been hearing happening in Telangana concerning Naxalites. New Telangana govt would also continue using the same methods to counter the naxalism.
**Development will get hampered.
Did you say development :-)??
Hi Nattu,
****All this issue for a separate state is utter nonsense. It's the politicians who want to cash in on the sentment. KCR want's to be a CM and if he loses this chance, he'll never get another one. It's my humble request to all my Telugu brothers to please come to your senses at least now. Have you not studued since childhood that unity is strength? Have you forgotten how vile politicians of the day are? I urge you not to compare KCR and gang with the freedom fighters. Please, do you compare all stones to diamonds? It's high time we bring the people intoxicated by the sentiment back to reality. If the educated people become idle, dormant, the state will go to the dogs. Please join the cause at http://magneticgreen.spaces.live.com.
Once again, i'd like to remind the people of Telangana that you are being led into a well. I don't need to give any new facts. In fact i cannot give more facts than already given here. Please people, do not let the wily politicians fool you. Don't let the point that if not for the sentiment, all the leaders who are big guys now, would be nobodys, escape from your mind.
You probably hate KCR. That is fine. You are entitled to your opinion. But Telangana is not a mere sentiment. It is a right to fight for what Telanganites deserve. They don't need no politicians to guide. Pepople can derive facts from what they see. The Telangana movement initially is started by educated people, teachers, professors, writers. If you think all of them are driven by sentiments, study twice to understand the root cause. We need not consider your predictions about Naxalism as facts.
Hi Sam,
***Have you ever visited interiors of Andhra? DO you know ho wbackward they are? I had visited many places in Telangana and all of them had better conditions than Andhra.If few people asks for a seperate Telangana why should it be given. In united Andhra pradesh more than 70% of people doesn't want a seperate state. And even in TElangana districts most of the people doesn't want seperate state. I knew this pulse as I discuissed same issue with most of the people I meet at work place.
You have to consider the whole region. I do not know what places you visited in Telangana and what made you believe that Telangana is developed. I ould only ask you to consider the complete data. I would appreciate, if you could support any of the statements made above with facts. People in my work place or your work place do not attribute to the majority's wishes.
People denying the fact that people of Telangana want a new state, are detractors who could not digest a truth opposing their view. The people of Telangana proved every time the issue came forth. TPS won majority of seats. TRS-Congress alliance won majority of seats promising a new state. Is there any political party that is going to declare strongly against Telangana formation and win seats in elections?
There would be people in Telangana who would not want a new state. Would that prevent the majority? The communists opposed the quit India movement just as they are doing in this case too. Would that stop anything? May be temporarily.
It is an undeniable fact that people want Telangana state. Denying and suppressing their wish is enforcing fascism.
Hi Bix,
ReplyDeleteI was answering to one of the question regarding stealing of jobs.I never said we are not supposed to give "Telangana" .I agree ur strong proponent to Telngana state but u need to
be careful while answering.I had a very good impression after seeing the answers given by u on this BLOG.Let me tell u few things.
"Prof.Jayshankar who is main guy behind TRS has said- "Irrigation can be done in two ways in any region .Thru Gravitiy or by Lift irrigation.Since Telangana is in high region we need Lift irrigation.Its irrespective how govt. is going to manage the cost.The way they are constructing dams they even need to look into this."
He has a in/out knowledge of Telangana issue.And after hearing to him I wrote the answer on this BLOG.You need lift irrigation for Telangana.
"This is a very lame and unreasonable excuse. lot projects that started in Telangana and Andhra. Why would Telangana projects never finish?"
Did many projects got started in Andhra? Except for the dams constructed by Mr Cotton Can you show me how many other dams are constructed in andhra?
"Nalgonda district is severely suffering from fluoride water."
What were 4CM's from Telangana region did for this.They ruled for 10 yrs Why they did not do anything for Nalgonda.What were the politicians of this region doing for last 50 yrs
for not solving the problem.When they remember Telangana for votes why can't people walkout or boycott elections for not solving their problem?When Sagar dam construted and people did not worked on LEFT
canal which brings water to NALGINDA why the politicians were mum for these many yrs?Why they only remebered about that now.The way u r fighting for state show me one example
where u fought for getting water from Left Canal.I am in hyderabad from past 30 yrs but I never saw this.Once in a while I hear about politicians talking about NALGONDA water problem.And you say u fight for your development but u did not get so ur fighting for Separate State ?
I say u always fought for separate state and not for ur development.
"GO 36 which was issued in 1969 and GO610 which was issued in 1985. Around 59000 non-locals were estimated to be appointed between 1969 to 1985 in
Telangana region violating the GO. GO610 was issued in 1985 and in more than 20 years it has been constantly violated and never was implemented. What ever small
number of recruitments are happening, it is being violated to date. Why?? Why are not they able to implement? Because every department in the govt is headed by
Andhra guys who do not want this to happen"
Now in one place u said u don't want to blame Andhra guys but here u did it."GO" is given by Govt. And from 1971 to 1982 AP is ruled by Telangana CM's.A CM has more power than anyone
else in the state.Why these guys kept quite when they know this GO has been neglected.GO 610 is given by NTR who hails from Guntur.So u need a "Andhra CM" to solve ur problem.
If u r betrayed by ur own people why u blame others.After 1969 "T" movement people just adjusted to whatever is happening.Telangana NGO's never raised their voice till congress
government kept "Implementation of 610 GO" in their Agenda in last election.Do u think keeping quiet from 1969 to 2006 as fighting for u r right?
In one of ur answers u said "when I follow my duties as a citizen? We will cry and fight when we do not get what we deserve."
Is it only you who is paying taxes? Everyone in this state is been neglected except for the people in/around Hyderabad.Seeing Greenary in Andhra if u think it got developed then ur wrong.
None of my statement said we shud not give "Telangana" as others in BLOG said.I even gave a example of your statement in my post.
I only said:"Think proper solutions for the above problems and take right decision (You don’t have to tell me what are the solutions) whether u really need a separate state or not." If u read this
statement I even said "You don’t have to tell me what are the solutions also".But u just fought without giving right answers.
Check this great-telangana.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteHi KK,
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving me that check, man. I know I got carried away.
The number of unfinished projects and the constantly reducing irrigated area in Telangana formed my impressions. Honestly, Im gonna get educated on this topic.
**What were 4CM's from Telangana region did for this. They ruled for 10 yrs Why they did not do anything for Nalgonda.What were the politicians of this region doing for last 50 yrs
for not solving the problem.When they remember Telangana for votes why can't people walkout or boycott elections for not solving their problem?
Now the inept politicians of Telangana are one more reason for its under development. As we see, most of these politicians scream their lungs out to get a ministry and then keep mum. Telangana CMs were operative only for 10 years out of the 50 years and they did nothing. But, is it not the responsibility of the CMs from Andhra to safeguard the rights of every region and distribute the development accordingly? But they never did. It is not totally true that Telanganites did not fight on individual issues. It is only that the issue of Telangana state evokes more response from people and gets more attention from everyone.
It arises one question. Do Telanganites always have to fight get some thing? Why don't the govt take care of it?
**Now in one place u said u don't want to blame Andhra guys but here u did it.
I have always said I blame the 'system of politicians and administrators' headed for most of the time by people from Andhra. I blame this section of the Andhra guys. I believe that main problem lies in there.This section of nepotists neglected the development and aggravated the problem. If there were enough development in Telangana region, no one would ask for a separate state. Every time Telanganites protest, false promises are made. They were betrayed by the people they elected, by the government they elected. I don't have any animosity towards a common man from Andhra. I call them fanatics if some one says Andhrites should go back from Hyderabad or any place in Telangana. I do not agree with some one saying 'Andhra guys are looting us'. In my opinion Andhra people are benefiting from a system which is favorable to them. I hope I made myself clear.
All I say is, the agreement or system is not conducive for Telangana's betterment. When one of the parties in an agreement is not happy with it and want to separate, they should be allowed.
**So u need a "Andhra CM" to solve ur problem.
That is just not a right statement, dude. He was the CM for the whole state.
**In one of ur answers u said "when I follow my duties as a citizen? We will cry and fight when we do not get what we deserve."
Is it only you who is paying taxes?
Did I say that. That is my answer to some one asking " Why don't YOU do something for the development".
**Everyone in this state is been neglected except for the people in/around Hyderabad.Seeing Greenary in Andhra if u think it got developed then ur wrong.
Excepting Hyderabad the GDP of Telangana was lower than Andhra when I last time read. If you prove that Telangana and Andhra are equally developed, I will leave my argument.
**None of my statement said we shud not give "Telangana" as others in BLOG said.I even gave a example of your statement in my post
Im not trying to fight with you or anybody out here, if you thought so. Im just making my side of argument. Im ready to correct myself if someone proves me wrong.
Hey Bix,
ReplyDeleteWhatever I guessed about you after reading all ur answers is correct.I expected an answer from you today morning I just saw it.I know u were carried away.Anyways its good to see people like U who support Telangana movement for right cause and not getting carried away by people like KCR.
Even I don't agree with people saying "Andhrites Go back" or "Other guys go back". When Constitution of India says "Everyone has right to settle in any place in India" who is KCR to decide whether Andhrites/Marwadis or others to stay here or not :)
I want seprate Hyderabad state, Not like to be part of "united-Telangana".
ReplyDeleteMy Urdu ID is lost due to Telangana leaders...
If you want contest in Hyderabad for seprate Hyderabad or United-Telangana...Hyderabad sentiment will will...anyone fool for the challenge...KCR, Madhu...
All telangana guys, somewhere in this blog i read KCR is god and also KCR himself said andhra guys are thiefs stealing properties of telangana. but u know KCR is from coastal andhra. his father settled in telangana region and thats how KCR is from T-state.does this mean KCR is son of a thief. y is that nobody questioning KCR on this when they say that all the andhra guys settled [because of their fathers/fore fathers] in t-states should go back . and if KCR becomes CM of T-state, i pity u guys, u would be ruled by a TELANGANA settled ANDHRA GUY. how shame?
ReplyDeleteCheck this
I am a Hyderabadi.
ReplyDeleteMake Hyderabad a separate state. Why do we want Telengana bullshit in it?
Let us have a unified state or let us have Hyderabad separate.
Because Hyderabad was built with funds from Andhra, Telengana and Rayalaseema.
If we want separate Telengana, what about the investments that Andhra people had put here thinking it was there capital as well? They have been investing their hardearned money and wealth in Hyderabad and have built it.
Let us be fair. If you want separate Telengana then we Hyderabadis want separate Hyderabad. It is even smaller and has more population like Union territories like Pondicherry.
Don't try to break up India for your selfishness
- An Indian
I was born and brought up in hyderabad-and I think its reasonable for me to demand a separate hyderabad state as well- that way it wont be bogged down by the fight between andhrites and telanganites.
ReplyDelete- A hyderabadi.
I am from Visakhapatnam. I fully endorse the view for creation of smaller states and in this regard, I would like to see AP trifurcated into Andhra (AN), Rayalaseema (RS) and Telangana (TG).
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way Hyderabad belongs to Telangana, I have no qualms about it. However, what would be bad is driving out the many people from Rayalaseema and Andhra who have made Hyderabad their home and by default they should owe their allegiance to Telangana once it is formed!
After all we still belong to one nation and that should be on our mind always!
Andhra Pradesh had atleast four chief ministers from the Telangana Region:
ReplyDeleteDr.Burgula Ramakrishna Rao (1952-56)
Pamulaparthi Venkata Narasimha Rao (1971-73)
Jalagam Vengala Rao (1973-78)
Marri Chenna Reddy (1978-1980 and 1989-1990)
Tanguturi Anjaiah (1980-82)
and yet no significant development programs were ever initiated by them. TRS for sure would be another fallacy. While I wholeheartedly support trifurcating AP, you need a different mind set for economic development and the current politicians leave you with little room for such!
I belong to Kerela. Just curious.. what is the language of telengana? Is it Deccani?
ReplyDeleteIf there is a seprate state the only long term benifit would be to fundamentalist muslim parties and BJP. Please do not forget the communal violence that used to take place in Hyd before NTR rule. I hope / pray that the seperate state do not become a reality. As long as KCR is leading it I know we call all be rest assured that it will not happen. :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Every one ....
ReplyDeleteI have gone through all the different opinions and found that some people with out having basic knowledge on the issue have come up with there opinions...
I have studied in different regions of Andhra pradesh and i know most of the places in Andhra pradesh. People of Andhra region have no value to people of telangana and there culture though the telangana people welcomed them
to there region and gave every thing including there jobs from past 50 years.
Even i heard from some people that telangana women dont know how to wear a saree...probably they might not know the culture and heritage of kakatiya dynasty .....
People of Andhra say that they have developed the hyderabad city...probabilly they dont know the fact that hyderabad is one of wonderful city in india before indian independence...
Before formation of andhra pradesh hyderabad has a university (OU) good drinage facility and drinking water...Nizam sagar,osman sagar etc.., museum...
Even i saw some people talking about KCR ....He is great aslong as he fight for telangana. If he came out from telugu desam party for not getting minister position why he gave out the central minister post and MP post twice and why didnt any else come out with telangana issue from congress party or telugu desam at that time.
I saw lot of projects coming for telangana only after KCR started fighting for telangana.
# What is the rationale for new states?
ReplyDeleteWhen one state has two economically and culturally different regions, one being prosperous and the other backward, if corrective measures are not taken to uplift that backward region, there is a great danger that only the prosperous region gets all the attention, funding, new industries, canals, and opportunities, while the people of backward region keep losing out, even in their own region. When such a condition prevails far too long, strong corrective measures are to be taken, and if that does not work, a new state is one of the best solutions.
North India is not well developed compare to south India, I would argue India should split into two nations, oops... not two nations, 10 nations may 20 nations based on our culture , language , religion , food habits , dress habits so on so forth.. Guys India is doomed don't worry soon we will have our own nations , why are you quarling about states. have good night sleep.
# Aren’t you paving the way for breaking up of the nation?
ReplyDeleteFighting for a new taluk, or a new district or a new state is not same as asking for a new country. Or is it? If that is case, no new taluks or panchayats should be carved, no new districts should be created. Can’t we look at newer regions taking care of changes in demographics, new cultural issues, and new aspirations, needs and wishes? Creating new states is constitutional and within the nationals interests.
Yes , it is the beginning to end the India. I don't understand some people asking for new state Telangana, they must ask for new Country Jai Telangana, new Nation, right in middle of India, that way it will be much more powerfull.
Right now Raj Thakery telling Non-marati people go out from Mumbai. As soon as Telangana comes Non-Telangana people must go out from Telangana.
Believe it or not, Telangana is beginning of end to India.
ReplyDeleteSoviet Union Collapsed, what happened?
Europe united what happened? 1Euro = 1.5 US$
Let’s guess what happens after Telengana becomes a state.
Naxlites become powerful.
Hyderabad looses some of it charm.
I don’t think a good chief minter comes and develop Telanagana.
Rest of the Andhra becomes two states Rayalseema and Andhra
People will suffer more under separate states because of Caste Religion so on so forth…
Don’t live in fantasy , Andhra, Telangan and Rayalseema will be doomed , eventually INDIA will be doomed. (As an Indian my heart broke , but is reality…)
Really its a foolishness about people who r not able to understand the difference between separate state and separate country.. i think they need to know the wat happened with Russia and new states in India...
ReplyDeletestates ennni separate aithe, antha ekkuva develop avuthundhi becouse of decentralisation of admin.. even Dr.BR Ambedkar sir told about this while building constitution for India.. if u guyz dont know about this..pls do study more n talk...
just dont blindly say that we r going be smaller states so we will loose our identity...its all foolishness.. its a problem of 3 to 4 crores people, try to understand in that way...
people who r comfortably leaving can say anything ..but its the question and issue of many poorer people in neglected Telangana...
Ji Telangana...already waves started in telangana districts for coming elects... go n seeeee
Ji Telangana,Jai Jai Telangana
Old city People, Hyd
"Rivers like Krishna and Godavari flow through Telangana, but the water from the dams are sent to Andhra."
ReplyDeleteHmmm...Just for info!!.... which dam on godavari construted in Telangana gives water to Andhra ?? To my knowledge dams which help east and west godavari are constructed at 7 places and that too in britishers period.
And on krishna its only nagarjuna sagar in Telangana region rite??
I grew up in hyderabd but both my parents are from Andhra. What does that make me..?? Most of my friends are pure 'telangana' people (who sujai loves)...thanks sujai and all other 'telangana freedom fighters' for creating new divisions between people who never had any..I am open to anything, seperate telangana etc if it serves people well..
ReplyDeletelets say we have a seperate telangana state...
What if the people around the new dams in telangana feel the same way and demand a seperate state and cut off water for the rest of telangana ?
Look at the world, europe is trying to integrate as they see the benefits of being one..not seperate...
If culture,dialect, food habits and customs are the basis for forming a state..this is what we should have
Kamma state in some andhra districts
Raju state in some costal districts
Kapu state in the rest of andhra
Reddy state in rayalaseema..
Muslim state in hyderabad and surrounding states with urdu as their official language
u want more...??
What fun is it to have one state where everyone is the same..I had great fun growing up with friends who were slightly different from me..that made my life more interesting...
I hope my son doesn't miss out on that...if he does, it will be becuase of short sighted people like sujai....
Shame on you sujai..destruction is easy , construction is very difficult...Hope u spend your time and effort to bring more development to telnagna..not isolation and misery...
Do you know how divorce settelments and property divisions end up ?..with a very bad taste in your mouth....its not fun dividing people or lands...lets not break up our home
I hear you Vamsi. I hope Sujai would understand it one day when he grows up! Hope he would stop dividing people along different identities. It is really ironic how he claims that he likes to encourage different identities and then goes on to incite all kinds of clashes. Full of contradictions!
its not dividing people
but make people know about the real facts
hope u know when ''telangana sate becomes heart and soul of future india'''
i mean both industrially and agriculturally
u agree that 'v have been exploited all these years by saying telugu unity'''
just be patient
hi vamshi
ReplyDeletenice post
its ur prob brother...''of caste fellings ..naidu..kamma.reddy..baju''hahhaha
have fun with them after telangana is formed
dont try to rub ur problems on others
after telangana state is formed.. make ur so called new adhra state into 500 different states
v never care
have fun
No matter who says what.
ReplyDeleteAll self respecting telangana people want telangana as a separate state.
We are a much better people then most andhra people.
**Don’t live in fantasy , Andhra, Telangan and Rayalseema will be doomed , eventually INDIA will be doomed. (As an Indian my heart broke , but is reality…)
ReplyDeleteI concur. Telangana is the begining of the end. I consulted my personal astrolger about this. According to him, the formation of Telanagana changes the orbits of planets and can potentially destroy the solar system.It is the apocolypse.
**Do you know how divorce settelments and property divisions end up?
I agree.It is highly unethical dividing a 'happily' married couple.Either both the parties or happy or not, they gotta live together.
**Naxlites become powerful.
Hyderabad looses some of it charm.
I don’t think a good chief minter comes and develop Telanagana
United AP is a Utopian state.Naxalites never existed here. Hyderabd evolved from a lifeless city to a city with charm. Telangana is a barren land, both for the soil and for the people.
the above one
ReplyDeletethanx for ur cocern broter
u said to stay united even there r prob in the family??????
its unethical brother
"Hyd State"
ReplyDeleteThat was a sarcastic answer from "Bix".You need to get his point.
People like Mr. Bix, need to understand one thing, if they are unhappy with under development, no resources, etc etc what is the point in holding with that region. Let it go........
ReplyDeleteJust when we meet the darkened dead end, almighty anonymously bestows us with an illuminated path to go
ReplyDeleteone of the andhra anonymous say that..
except hyderabad there are only few people got settled in other andhra dists//////
is u dont know the facts just shut ur mouth
there r arund 40% settlers in khammam u know that
there r about 11% settlers in nzb//// u know that
i say u move from place to place for leaving..
u exploit locals brother
go back andhra
jai telangana
ReplyDeletein my above post
i wrote andhra in place of telangana
i mean many r settled in telangana dists eg khamma,nzb other than hyd
Vamsi posted
What if the people around the new dams in telangana feel the same way and demand a seperate state and cut off water for the rest of telangana ?
Mr vamsi,
What you don't understand is that, for 250 years Nizam created a race totally different from others. They can tell from their smell to be magnanimous to each other. Even if they plunder each other, they have this comfort that they are only cheated by fellow telanganites. That is how they promoted Nizam until the selfish yindoos from rest of the country drove them away.
hai sujai, Telangana is the birth right of Telangana people.It may be delayed,but can not be stopped.JaiTelangana Jai Jai Te langana .Let us all unite fight for it. T.Raghu Ranjan RAo, coconvener ,Telangana Teachers Forum
ReplyDeleteraghuram sir the above
v totally agree with u
hope v get our state soon
Finally, the mandate is here, as Sujai previously said the elections reflect the aspirations of the people, so now its transparent that people are no more interested in Telangana.
ReplyDeleteIm a Telangana, studying all the arguments between Pro T and United Andhra, I see that we do not need a Telangana State.
I have many core Telangana friends of mine and my relatives who are against Telangana state.
The allegation that Andhras have exploited Telangana is not 10% true about the Andhra Politicians.
Even Telangana Politicians are no less, I know Telangana politicians who cheated their own people with the real estate mafia. Everybody know who are kingpins of Hyderabad real estate.
Im fed up of DADAGIRI's and CHAMCHAGIRI's.
I want people to be more educated and dont be fanatic like this Blog owner, who instigate hatred among the people who have just started to progress because of the literacy.
The slogan "Jai Jai Telangana" is based on the selfish ideology of the hopeless politicians.
Wake up brothers!!! Wake up to the fact that we are wasting our lives for the things even which GOD hates.
Lets make India shine. Lets proclaim to the world that we are the masters of IT. Lets be the world leaders.
Lets not fight!!! Lets do it together.
"The allegation that Andhras have exploited Telangana is not 10% true about the Andhra Politicians."
ReplyDeleteThats a typo..I meant
The allegation that Andhras have exploited Telangana is only 10% true about the Andhra Politicians and not the Andhra folk who live in Telangana.
Seperate Telangana is a must and on the same lines seperate Hyderabad, seperate north coastal andhra,seperate south coastal andhra,seperate rayalaseema are also must on the same lines of argument which Sujai talks.
ReplyDeleteWe need Jai Hyderabad.... etc.
the whole state is underdeveloped compared to developed countries like USA ,UK
Yes a seperate telanga and yes seperate north coastal andhra,yes seperate south coastal andhra,yes seperate rayalaseema
Please support these states also.
ReplyDeleteto sujeeth bhai
v nees our state brother
TRS is not the sole mandate
just its a political party
hope u go through our previous history
y there are 1938 non locals joined inbetween 2003 and 2007 in our govt jobs illegally?
want to stay with those cunning people?
v will be in atrouble brother..
small q?
just raise the issue of diving india into two south and north..
what resonce u get?
y we here jai telangan time and again?
u will get reslts sooner
dont see some 1000 odd people who are in good position around u/..
just have look at villages..irrigation facilities..thier mind set...standard of living..
i hope all guys who write these messages will be doing well either in US or in india...sat some good prffesionals
u cant get the actual beat until unless u visit interiors
thanx a lot
Dear HydState
ReplyDeletehydBhai, I see that you are an educated guy.
Im born in a poor family in Aleru.
I studied in a Government telugu medium school.
As you said not all are "cunning people".
My family has been ditched by my own village people- higher caste people.
You say that government jobs are taken away by Andhra people.
How can they take away?
If our people are well educated cant they ?
They invested their life in education, we didnt.
Its totally ridiculous to blame them.
My Uncle is an Engineer in a government department, I spoke to him about this issue, its just an ignorance that Andhrites are taking away your jobs.
Im motivated and guided by a Andhra teacher, and because of him I could make my people live in a much better condition.
There are many such guys..
The people who have worked hard and studied well in Telangana region are ruling the roost in US today.
We just keep blaming the other person, thats our weakness.
Instead lets motivate and educate our people.
Lets be plain, lets not delve into things that are legalistic and politically motivated.
Telangana ni marchataniki manam emi chestunam ?
Im proud to tell that Im doing my part. Im not boasting, let each one of us do something for our region instead of badmouthing the Andhrites.
In my opinion the fault lies in our politicians and the some upper caste landlords of our region.
Education is the Key. Lets make people literate. Lets sponsor NGO's.
Keep doing your bit.
Thats all from me..
I love Telangana and I do not hate Andhra.
hi sujai
ReplyDeletethis is harish mla siddipet
We need our identity back. WE lost our identity.Fight for Telangana is a fight for justice and everyone who is fair minded should educate themselves and join the fight.50 years of looting has to come to an end.
pls vist my web site ‘www.harish.in’ and link to your site
thank you
harish rao
mla siddipet
ReplyDeleteIts a disgrace that even the respected person like you chant Telangana mantra. I have respect for you being the only cleanest person from TRS.
Why do you keep corrupting our peoples mind? Telangana is not looted by any outsider, it is our own people who looted Telangana.
We are no more interested in your politics. For the next elections you too will lose if you keep rubbing your selfish ideas on people.
We do not want your preachings, we want your service, focus on the education in Siddipet or else you are going to have the same fate of the losers in your party.
I love my Telangana, I do not blame Andhra.
ReplyDeleteEven in Telengana itself some areas are moderately rich(Like Hyderabad and surrounding areas) and some areas are extremely backward. Whether extremely backward areas of Telengana was looted by other areas of Telengana.
North Tamilnadu is lacking compared to South Tamilnadu. Whether South Tamilnadu people looted North Tamilnadu.
North east is backward compared to other areas of India? Whether people from other parts of India looted North East?
Interesting Discussion. Not getting into much political discussions, I believe its just the "selfishness" of our crooked politicians that's driving majority of the seperate telangana state. There are developed areas in Telengana as there are in Andhra region. Let me say that I am from Andhra but, most of my adulthood was in Telengana (NOT HYDERABAD). The lack of growth of the "People of Telangana" as it is portrayed by the politicians is because of the corrupted political system that does no good to the society but for the people involved in scams. If people are buying into the fact that creating a separate state will do any good is just a big misconception in my humble opinion. I think its just going to create another corrupted political system and nothing more than that. If the thinking is that "Smaller states" are easier to manage then thats probably another misconception. I would think smaller states gets smaller funding. That means the corrupt politicians will have no where to go other than squeezing the comman man to make more money than they spent to win the elections. Everyone wants to be the Chief Minister (Initially KCR and now D.Goud) and they would go to breaking the country into as many states as they can to fulfill their power hunger.
ReplyDeleteMay common man get the power and understanding to do the right thing!
Dear Telanganites! Please join us at www.ourtelangana.com...
ReplyDeleteAndhras, Get Lost!! Keep your fake brotherly/sisterly love to yourself..or go join Madras...
The previous poster ariticulated so well the reasons for separate
ReplyDeleteTelangana- I guess imitating KCR style.
To the poster who craves to get his identity, his confusion is very clear. First you need the identify of genuine human being. Everything else is fake. Let us strive for that. If at all, try to expand your identity through inclusion, but not exclusion. In any case why I'm saying this to a guy who would like to be a minister by hook or crook.
Shame on you Vamsi. Even educated guys are not understanding what is asked on what grounds. Telangana is loosing identity and Telangana is loosing its resources. When Telangana has so many resources and still so backwardness..... people are asking WHY?
ReplyDeleteBy asking Telangana, they are not asking any Andhra guy to quit its land. By asking Telangana, they are not asking any Andhra land and resources. By asking Telangana, they are not asking for separate country.
They are asking Telangana because they became aware that they love to administer by themselves and would like to see their land has its own identity and their culture has its importance and dignity.
They are asking Telangana to improve their life standards. This may not be immediate but they believe in that.
You are saying europe is UNITING. I hope you did your education (though its not important where you did) properly. Did you see how small they are divided by administration? Do you know how to see the borders on the map?
They are divided to preserve their identity and better administration. But they do business as a group, which is well known as EUROPEAN UNION.
I read all the above comments by different people some of them made educated and civilized comments but the rest just wasted my time !!
Before anyone makes a comment first think why people of Telangana are asking for different state (read as STATE, not COUNTRY). Then argue on your point.
First when politicians said they will bring Telangana, people believed them and gave them such a majority. Just check the 04 poll results. That shows what people are really waiting for. When the politicians changed their colour and started running behind enjoying power and not strugling for Telangana and its issues, they straighaway rejected them (see 08 poll results). You should understand that even after Telangana forms who ever are crooks they will get their share of lesson. So just dont take name of KCR. He already got his share of lesson. If he still joins hands with TDP(considering it wont promise for Telangana) this time he will be rooted from his own constituency. Just come back and read my post after the elections coming in 09.
I am not fully aware of Devender Goud. He has clean history as of now. This may be attributed to the TDP cover which has put him secured. We need to keep watching what he can do and what he can't. If he do the same as KCR then he will also get his lesson. No one will be left. If he gets successful strategy to get Telangana and very good administration in place, then YES TELANGANA PEOPLE WILL BE HAPPY TO SEE HIM AS THEIR FIRST CHIEF MINISTER. ELSE, HE HAS TO LOOSE HIS CREDIBILITY.
Before summing up, Telanganites dont hate any Andhra people. Even Telanganites also has best friends and even relatives in Andhra regions. So just an administration division doesn't create any physical wall between us as you know how easy to enter and establish in Bombay or Bangalore or Chennai if you want.
Hope this helps.
There should not be a separate state for telangana. It is only the political parties want to be in power and can never get to power if it is still a single state wants the state to be bifurcated. Anybody wants to breakup states should be taken care using the laws of the land.
ReplyDeleteNice analysis. Smaller states are best for India. There is a similar demand for a separate state in Karnataka to be formed called "Hyderabad Karnataka" which was earlier part of Nizam's rule similar to Telangana and is facing similar backwardness and undevolped as Telangana, while the other parts of Karnataka like Bengaluru and Mysoru are developed. I complete agree with Sujai's view of creating smalle states. There is no emotional thing here, just development of the region and people is of utmost priority for creating a separte state.
ReplyDeleteHi All, See this is the 21st Century where we(Indians) are competing with all other Countries in all perspectives where we can Leave rest of the world behind and I am Rpoud to be an indian. For this to happen in much faster Pace We need to Reconcile about what things we need to lookup for. Like If you take an Example of ONE-to-ONE teaching methodology in some Fields, where a Person gets much more concentration from the Instructor and based on this I would Like to suggest that if you really want to develop country (which should be our main goal) then people who are in Backward Regionwise(like Most of the TELEGANA) should be Seperated from ANDHRA PRADESH. Which will help people to have much Cocentration from Central as it was Discussed Earlier by SUJAI....
ReplyDeleteMost of the TELEGANA People has the Every right to use its Natural Resources for its Development, like if it starts using the Rivers thats just Passing away through its Region,coal and Etc...
One Question for people who are not supporting the seperate TELENGANA Movement, This is not Offensive.....Whats the Problem if TELEGANA is seperated?
Why are you feeling so INSECURED?
if you are a True INDIAN then start WIDENING your vision and Thinking?
SUJAI thnx for the Informative Blog.
With all respect to humanity, i believe there is no need for a seperate telangana. If you say and believe honestly that telangana people are marginalised then i think there MUST be a seperate telangana state, i support it honestly with all respect for their right to live a wonderful life in telangana state and g_d bless telangana.
ReplyDeleteBUT yes a very BIG BUT
Hyderabad MUST not be included in Telangana, I will give a billion reasons why it should not be in Telangana state and justify all of them ferociously. If you want Hyderabad to be included in Telangana region, you are asking telangana region on the basis of hatred, a very bitter hatred spwaned against andhra people who are much more hardworking and smarter than local people. I do not support telangana with hyderabad which has its roots in hatred, a very bitter hatred againt hardworking andhra people in Hyderabad. If Telangana people want hyderabad, its for this very reason of hatred that they develop in their hearts against andhra people, Telangana people did not think about seperate state WITH Hyderabad included until a decade earlier (ofcourse there were inter mitent jai telangana agitations for political milage)but once the hard working class of andhra people developed this hyderabad region telangana people started their sinister designs to grab this tremendous wealth created by hard working andhra people.
Sujai, for this very reason telanga should be developed without hyderabad, let me see how well telangana people develop their state.
Khammam lo settle avvadam enti ra vedhava...khammam lo kontha bhaagam godavari jillaloni oka bhaagame.(Bhadrachalam and Nuguru Venkatapuram Talukaalu ).
ReplyDeletenee sraddham.turakavallu undachu..motham hyderabad turakavallu, marvaadilu, gujarathilu.....untey tappu ledu...memu untey yedupu...
naadi srikakulam....srikakulam paristhithi choosava....development gurinchi maatladthunnava.
naa chinnappudu...maa oorilo school ledu ani....100 kilometerlu velli ..maa ammamma intlo undi chadivanu....4 taragathi varaku chaduvukonu chaduvukoledu ra chethanaa kodaka...aa taruvatha hyderabad vachi entho kashtapaddamu..maa nanna oka parisrama lo ratri pani chesevaru..2 shiftlu chesevaru. enno rojulu oka gadilo 6 mandi undevallam. .ippatiki kooda adey paristhithi..mee naa kodukuliki balupu kaabatti kottukuntunnaru.
"Vodafone and many international companies have invested in India"
ReplyDeleteSujai this shows how angry and frustrated you are about andhraites in Hyderabad.
this also shows how you view andhraites, you look at them with contempt.
Andhra people came to hyderabad not as investors but moved there for living.
There is a huge difference between a investor and a person who wants to live his life.
Investors are after profits and gains andhra people did not come here as investors
they came here to live their life.
Just because telangana people lived here for more generations than andhraites does not give them
right to bully andhrities who are here for few lesser generations.
For this very reason of being bullied and killed and looted by telangana people andhraites
does not want hyderabad to be in telangana.
This did happen before where telangana people looted andhrite and their hard earned wealth
and dragged them onto streets and killed ruthlessly.
Why should not telangana people lobby or bargain with Indian government at center
about their development may be that would have helped develop telangana by this time
its very ridiculas that one fine day talangana people woke up and want seperate
telangana because they are distinct , underdeveloped,illitrate.
If this telangana group had lobbied or bargained to higher authorities instead of
churning hatred against andhraites they would have done some progress and development
to telangana by this time.
Instead today we have more hatred and we have Sujai who shamelessly justifies this hatred
with various reasons.
"To my knowledge he surely belongs to hyderabad and have rite to ask for hyderabad.
If these guys ask for Hyderabad whats wrong in it ?
You are now mixing two things here. Being local does not mean he represents the group.
Identities are different compared to the legal status.
A Catholic person migrated from Poland to India could be Indian,
but he does not represent Rajasthani group or a Telugu group.
He may not represent Sikh or Jain group."
Sujai, this is a group of generation of andhrites who are asking this question
for seperate hyderabad, he does represent andhraites in Hyderabad.
"Fight FOR Telangana includes Hyderabad" why telangana people want to fight for
something that does not belong to them.
"You see that the present day Europe has come about after a
long turmoil of such clashes of identities.
Bloody wars kept drawing the national boundaries for centuries."
I am sure telangana people and their hatred of andhraites is going to create
a bloody war on ground now, this is the main
problem why center is not happy to create seperate telangana state while they readily agreed
with less efforts for other states in India.
This became like a war for seperate country not just a state because of this hatred.
To be continued.........
I was thinking about the point made by sujai in his opening para that " A country like US which has 1/3 population of India has 50 states, why should we have 28 states only". Have you ever connsidered the size of USA or to be precise NORTH AMERICA which is a CONTINENT.This a fine example of how to twist a fact to suit your biased argument.After that point I havent read your article.
ReplyDeleteTalking about size, huh? Telangana has an area of 114XXX KM^2 and will become the 12th largest state.
*Iam sure telangana people and their hatred of andhraites is going to create
ReplyDeletea bloody war on ground now,
*This did happen before where telangana people looted andhrite and their hard earned wealth
and dragged them onto streets and killed ruthlessly.
Telangana movement has been peaceful for most of the time though part of it is to do with emotions. Though the movement is at it's peak now, there have been no incidents of violence. May be you want to see some. Telangana people have welcomed Andhrites and they never had any rifts with them who mingled with the people here. If some one stays in a place for more than 30 years and if he stills feel that he does not belong to that place, then you know whose problem it is. No one from Telangana wants settlers to go back, but if they feel that they do not belong here, then it becomes their choice.
You sure are looking for something like what is happening in Mumbai with north Indians. Sorry, dude. Telanganites aint doing that.
*"Fight FOR Telangana includes Hyderabad" why telangana people want to fight for
something that does not belong to them.
Amazing...now it does not belong to them who have made it their homes for generations.Let all the settlers in Mumbai,Bangalore ask for seperate statehood, see what happens.
i really have a hell of a lot of pity for those guyz who r still in the dreamland dreaming about telangana,if u look at the preasent situation, the lobby against the formation of telangana is far far stronger and mightier to those who want the separation,it aint gonna happen and telangana people should accept that and really knuckle down and go ahead wit the life,its really meaningless that we r still talkin about this,the telangana issue has been laid to rest long back...........
ReplyDeletehi above one
ReplyDeletehave fun telangana will be reality sonner
one more thing u said the issue is laid down
has ur father made it slept?
i hope u r dreaming of some voilence in telangana, i mean locals fucking non-locals that is u
what ever, just wait for 1 y u can see that
have fun
jai telnagana
jai jai telangana
jai k.c.r
jai jai k.c.r
Dear fellow bloggers and commentors ,
ReplyDeleteName : Sandeep , age 28 , profile : s/w engg
nativity : hanamkonda , warangal district
I am happy to read a lot of interesting conversation s/allegations / rational reasoning and most importantly your gut feelings & inner thoughts which have formed through a long experience living in your respective regions , facing issues and also reading/listening/watching .
Most of the commentors if we observe are of the opinion that .." I dont have issues giving away telangana .."..." I dont mind but the stats are this way .. " and so on and so forth.
In pretext of the current discussion across the state and the blog , we all agree that its about formation of a telangana state with the districts which fall under it.
Having said this , only the people opinion (the gut feelings , the inner voices , the reasonings ) with which we all blog/comment here are also with the people who live in these districts/villages/mandals.
I hope ALL would agree that no one wants to be way from our Mother India ..at the same time , also want to live a life .. a life which would give out parents , children and families a sense of belonging , opportunities , facilities for the upbringing to a the next level we are in. Do the gut feelings of our ancestors , fathers and ourselves feel we have them prevailing in our own hometowns ?
Hometown does mean hyderabad also. Are people living in the hyd belonging to the telangana districts given fair opportunities , chances ??
Commentors said about stats abt power distribution , facilities , budgets allocations and so forth. When did the politicians and officials realise that these districts need a fair share ? Was this all available before the telangana separate state revolution started? Why are the news channel and papers write about telangana districts / issues / developments ??
It is because of the gut feelings / inner voices that people are thinking , voicing.
Every citizen of India wants a fair living. FAIR without favourism , FAIR without undue influence to regions.
Let me come back to people of other regions . Have anyone heard of / seen Telangana people going to Andhra districts for a livelihood. Are they all are feared of going there.. settling and establishing. Let me for a moment assume that the capital of Andhra Pradesh was Vizag or Vijayawada. And would we all for a moment think people from these telangana districts would establish there and reason out / nullify the fair opportunity of people from the andhra districts ?
Do you think they would do ?
I will say , they will not. They would mind there own business/education / living .
If attaining a fair opportunity is through forming a group of districts of telangana to a separate state .. let be it for the people . If Hyderabad is a part of telangana , so be it.
And please until a separate state is formed DO NOT say .." I dont have a problem giving away telangana.." We should not have a problem , we should have compassion & wish every son and daughter will get a fair chance in everything because they are our future . We do not want them to go through what we had.
Sandeep Chintakindi
Hello Everyone,
ReplyDeleteI am Ramesh. I believe that humanity comes first than any thing else (Religion, region, sex, race or anything esle). I agree that the poor should be given the first priority. I have seen people saying people of telangana are suffering from lack of water resources.. Only people of telangana are suffering?
Has anyone been to villages in Srikakulam, prakasam, vijayanagaram,vishakapattanam and any rayalaseema districts.. Do you think people there are happy.. The highest no. of sucide farmer deaths are reported from prakasam..
The problem is not regional disparity.. The problem is its leaders. There are 107 assembly constituencies in telangana region(total 294 in andhra pradesh).. and they are going to be increased to 119. Dont you thing all these years if these people stand together for developing telangana,, it would have been a better place. The only people who can develop telangana is its leaders.. Are they going to change if telangana is a seperate state... S
How many of you felt bad when people from Bihar and Up were being harrassed by MNS.. Is it not the chauvnism of regionalism in India.. If you really felt bad how can you divide the state on regional lines..
ReplyDeleteThe solution to this problem is development.. development is possible through electing the right and responsible representatives and not through seperate state..
Please do vote in the upcoming elections to say that your voice counts..
well, I have read through the posts spanning a couple of years on this blog. it was very informative. Also I will share my views. One thing is still unclear.. why do we need a seperate state if all is well?
ReplyDeleteMy assumption I- the facts havent reached the people through the right channels.
Assumption II - If the government thought it was a threat to the integrity of the state, it would have made efforts in this direction to let the people know the facts. Govt wont feel it as a real threat hence no action.
What if the threat is more a political one?
Well, my assumption III has a precedence. The govt would deal it politically like what was done in 69. Looking at regional parties and their illogical actions, other splinter parties that align with larger forces at the hint of power, the above seems a greater a possibility.
However, as it is said history repeats itself, In the same breath it is said one action/moment of decisiveness changes the course of history.
So, if there is any truth to the claims exploitation/subservience/oppression et al,or the lack of it all one can look forward is to this opportunity when it shall prove who stands firm and not sell their dreams.
and that shall be the general elections where we have the opportunity to choose leaders who represnt our aspirations. Get out of home and vote on that day. Teach all those who crashed your dreams a befitting lesson.
well, I have read through the posts spanning a couple of years on this blog. it was very informative. Also I will share my views. One thing is still unclear.. why do we need a seperate state if all is well?
ReplyDeleteMy assumption I- the facts havent reached the people through the right channels.
Assumption II - If the government thought it was a threat to the integrity of the state, it would have made efforts in this direction to let the people know the facts. Govt wont feel it as a real threat hence no action.
What if the threat is more a political one?
Well, my assumption III has a precedence. The govt would deal it politically like what was done in 69. Looking at regional parties and their illogical actions, other splinter parties that align with larger forces at the hint of power, the above seems a greater a possibility.
However, as it is said history repeats itself, In the same breath it is said one action/moment of decisiveness changes the course of history.
So, if there is any truth to the claims exploitation/subservience/oppression et al,or the lack of it all one can look forward is to this opportunity when it shall prove who stands firm and not sell their dreams.
and that shall be the general elections where we have the opportunity to choose leaders who represnt our aspirations. Get out of home and vote on that day. Teach all those who crashed your dreams a befitting lesson.
In my next post i will try to provide reason as to why i chose to believe that all is well/or is it not with the help of some numbers and data which i amstill gathering.
The biggest problem India is facing is that there is no decentralization of power. This is leading to a lot of nepotism and favoritism. No party is willing to implement Panchayati Raj Constitutional (73 & 74) amendments. Mani Shankar Iyer is fighting for that cause but no one including their own is supporting this.
ReplyDeleteIf the decentralization happens our political leaders fear that they cannot control people.
We need to fight for decentralization of power rather than separate state(s).
The growth in UT, CG or JH can be attributed to creating new state capitals.
Unless you feel that you are backward and your culture is worst there is no way an outsider can instill inferiority in you.
chanikya from kurnool:
ReplyDeleteit is better to declare hyderabad as union territory & not like to be as a part of united telengana. if telangana is separated from AP there will be loss for rayalaseema & benifit for coastal andhra,bcoz many coal mines are there in telangana&& krishna&godavari rivers are entered through telangana.
Creating the Separate states will not resolve problems infact they complicate more.
ReplyDeleteToday Telangana tommorrow Rayalaseema and day after other and if this continues we loose identity and unity. There could be any reason for a separate state, do you mean it or just want to separate from people.
Everyone should work on many existing problems rather concentrating on the separate states to increase the problems.
We are always talking of splitting, Why can't we think of mergers?
ReplyDeleteCreating the Separate states will not resolve problems infact they complicate more.Having more states, according to me, will not complicate, but simplify things.
Today Telangana tommorrow Rayalaseema and day after other and if this continues we loose identity and unity.What identity? We are still in the same country, so how come we lose our unity? Are you suggesting that we should not even have states in the first place?
We are always talking of splitting, Why can't we think of mergers?Yes, we can merge all the states to make one state and call it India. We already have that, now what?
dear chitanya,
ReplyDeleteno probs brother
if godavari and krishna flow through telangana
it doest mean they flow through pakistan
v need our identity
as my god k.c.r said''not war between jathi or ethics but for selfrespect''''
v love both andhras and rayalaseema
better to be apart and help each other
Hi sujai
ReplyDeleteI happened to have some of the basic questions surrounding the creation of Telangana state. I googled it and that is how I got to your blog.
I think you have pretty much covered all the basic questions surrounding the topic. I can identify with some of your arguments in support of the separate state, however I do not understand the justification for some points:
1. You say that the many people in telangana are not very educated, so the majority of jobs are taken by people from Andhra. Now if we create the Telangana state, how do you think this problem will solve? You will not allow andhra people to continue in those jobs and there are not enough qualified people in Telangana to fill those jobs. This is akin to the situation in US. The Americans don't have enough qualified people to do the work and they accuse immigrants of taking away their jobs.
2. You said that the river water is being diverted to Andhra. Why do you think this is happening? Is it not possible to fight this injustice? We are not under british rule that we cannot raise our voice. We have a case between Andhra and Karnataka over cauvery river. Why can't we raise an agitation over this matter?
If any andhraite is having some sense or self respect of their place & parents just get out of from here opposing telangana state. You should be shameful on you if some one is saying you are drinking telnagans people's blood. Just wait for some time ... Lesson will be taught to all Andhra Bastards who appose Telangana
ReplyDeleteKCR is "father of telangana" and "unparalleled strongest man of India". He will get telangana soon
ReplyDeleteరాష్ట్ర విభజన సమస్య పరిష్కారం కాదు. అసలు సమస్య ఏమిటి అనేది ఈ ఆందోళకారులకు తెలియదు. నేను మెదక్ జిల్లాలో పుట్టి పెరిగినవాన్ని. ఐనా నేను తెలంగాణా వాదాన్ని సమర్థించను. మనకు వున్న సమస్య రాష్ట్రం కాదు. ఇదే పోరాటం లంచగొండితనానికి వ్యతిరేకంగా లేదా నిరక్షరాస్యతకు వ్యతిరేకంగా లేదా బీదరికానికి వ్యతిరేకంగా ఎందుకు చేయట్లేదు. రాష్ట్ర విభజన పూర్తిగా స్వార్థపూరితమైనది. ఇదే పోరాటం నాయకులు లంచగొండులు ఐనప్పుడు ఎందుకు చేయలేదు. వేరే రాష్ట్రం వచ్చినా ఇదే లంచగోడి నాయకులు మనల్ని పీడిస్తారు. కాబట్టి, మనం మనకు వున్న అసలు సమస్యను పరిష్కరించుకునే ప్రయత్నం చేయాలని కోరుకుందాము.
ReplyDeleteఏమైనా బస్సులను దగ్దం చేయడం, తెలంగాణేతరులను ధ్వేషించటం ఎంత మాత్రం మంచిది కాదు. ఇదే దృక్పథం అమెరికాకు వుంటే మన వాళ్ళు అమెరికా వెళ్ళగలిగేవారా? ఇదే దృక్పథం ఇతర రాష్ట్రాలకు వుంటే, మన తెలంగాణా వాళ్ళు ఆయా రాష్ట్రాలలో వ్యాపారం చేసుకోగలిగే వాళ్ళా? ప్రభుత్వ ఆస్తులు అందరివి. కాబట్టి ఈ ఆందోళనకారులకు ప్రభుత్వ ఆస్తులను బస్సులను నష్టపరిచే హక్కు లేదు.
Excellent work brother...
ReplyDeleteGood going...
Jai telangana...
Please see my blog also. It might not be as good as yours. Please educate us more.
Hi Bro,
ReplyDeleteJai Telangana...
Your article is very good.
please see mine also.
comments/suggestions/criticism awaited...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewow.instead of uniting to face the so many issues that AP faces now, these ppl want a seperate state..great going guys..n there is no call for violent demonstrations by many ppl as is happening right now..if such ppl are gonna manage telangana, then god help us :P
ReplyDeleteHi ..
ReplyDeleteI am from Rayalaseema region. I have no problem in carving a separate state only if all the money and resources that went into development of in and around Hyderabad is equally compensated to non Telangana regions. In any event of Telangana state being formed Hyderabad and surrounding regions should be made a separate state or union territory. A consensus among the people of Hyderabad would definitely be in favor of it not being part of Telangana.
Rayalaseema region took the most brunt of the united AP by letting go Kurnool as the capital of AP. Had Kurnool been the capital of AP, Rayalaseema would have seen immense development.
Smaller states 'may' pave way to easy administration and more benefits to the local population. But, one must not forget that smaller states will not have much political leverage in New Delhi and hence would not succeed in getting in any of their agendas being approved or implemented.
I still think separatist agendas are provoked and promoted by myopic politicians. It would be ignorant to fall prey to these political agendas.
Hyderabad and surrounding districts have been immensely benefited over the last many years. It would be unjust to say that Telangana has remained backwards and has been neglected. Rayalaseema region still remains to be backward compared to rest of AP. Again I would not blame the backwardness to people from other regions, but to our own politicians.
- Krishna Reddy
@ Krishna Reddy Garu,
ReplyDeleteI can understand your agony. Kurnool ki chaala mosam jarigindi. I agree and condemn it. Kurnool has every right to regain its past glory. Jai Raayalaseems.
Hyderabad is an integral Part of Telangana. Please dont deny that. 400 yr old city ni memu develop chesamu ante memu develop chesamu ani gatha 40 elluga vachina andhrulu kani raayalaseema vallu kani anadam avivekam.
India ki independance raaka munde idi chaala abhivruddhi chendina pattanam.
According to Forbes, the richest man to ever walk on the face of this planet was Hyd Nizam. India's second largest Airways at the time of Independence was DECCAN AIRWAYS run by Nizam with 76% stake in it.
Maa(erstwhile Hyderabad state prjala) thathalu, Muthathalu vari thathalu taxlu kadite aa dabbu to kattina nagaram idi.
Kabbatti, Hyderabad meeda meeku unna adhikaram kanna Belgaum, Aurangabad parisara pranthala varike ekkuva adhikaram untundi.
TGV antaru, "Maa investments tone hyd develop ayyindi" ani... Okay, for a time being ade correct anukundam; Aina, Evadu pettamannadu investment ikkada? Meeku ikkada invest chestene ekkuva returns ostaayani pettaru kada? Ide investment Kurnool lo pedithe evaranna apara? Enduku pettaledu kurnool lo?
Meeru matladedi ela undi ante, koti rupayalu petti Navaratnas(PSUs) share lu konna Koti Rupayalu "Ambica durbar bathi" share lu konna okkate.
Is that what you want to say?
Do you mean that there is no involment/importance of Hyd in its development? Do you think your money was only important?
I can agree if some real estate businessman says such a word. enduku ante nashtam okavela oste vallake ostundi. Koddi mandi koteeshwaruluke nashtam. Saamanya Prajanikaniki elanti nashtam raadu.
Mee andhra, Raayalaseema vaallu maati maati ki antaru kada hyd lo maade majority ani, Mari nenu ippudu adugutunna, Ghmc elections appudu 3 days holidays oste vote lu eyyakunda enduku mee mee oorlaku urikinru? Ante Hyd meeda mee prema mosali kanneella lantivi. Meeku ye matram ikkadi moulika amsala meeda shraddha unna ala chesi undaru. ade maa telangana vallu andaru votelu esaaru.
Seperate telangana ni oddu ane vallu, Hyd ni separate ani ela antunnaru? idi Hypocracy kaada?
Bharata desam lo unnavadu evvadaina Bharat mata ki Jai analsinde...
Telangana lo unnavadu evvadaina, Including hyderabadis, Jai Telangana Anasinde...
After all, Jai Kashmir, Jai Jammu, Jai Haryana, Jai Punjau, Jai himachal, Jai Uttarakhand, Jai UP, Jai Dilli, Jai Rajasthan, jai MP, Jai Bihar, jai Jharkhand, so on upto jai Andamans ani annappude Jai Bharat mata ani annattu... SO please dont oppose Telangana and dont call for UT status for Hyd.
Ala cheste maa manobhavalanu debba teesina vallu autaru. Jai Telangana Anandi, hyd lo Haayiga undandi.
Jai Telangana, Jai Hind..clown
Stop answering "Why Telangana?"... Start asking "Why not Telangana?"
ReplyDeleteYes, The time has come that we fought for our rights not just our Land.
Friends, Almost everybody knows the every answer to "Why Telangana?". If somebody asks this same question give them a Tamacha and say "Dubara Mat Poochna...!" a.k.a. Chloromint.
Just ask them "Why not?"
If ppl say we should not break our country into pieces, ask them to fight against all states which are already existing. Let the whole country be only one state.... Is that possible?
If ppl say we telugus are all one, same culture, same language etc., ask them "So what?" There are many Hindi speaking states today. Entire India is ONE... Entire India has same culture....
Today some of the ignorant Andhrites who call themselves as INTELLECTUALS say they have developed Hyderabad. Ask them how many airports were there in INDIA at the time of independance. Transport Council of INDIA in its webite http://www.tcil.com/ca.asp says there was a not just airport in Hyderabad, but also the Nizam ran a full length airlines called Deccan Airways which was the second largest in the country.
Today there are ppl from all parts of the country happily coexisting in hyderabad. In fact Dr B R Ambedkar wanted the govt to Develop Hyderabad as a alternate capital of India because of its Startegic location (far and safe from borders) http://presidentofindia.nic.in/retreats.html
None of the lakhs of Marathis, Gujarathis, Punjabis, Tamils, Malayalis etc have any problem of formation of Telangana. Thats because they traeat this land which has given them life as their mother. On the other hand the people who oppose Telangana (some Andhrites) do that because they fear that they will be reduced to second class citizens here after formation of Telangana.
They have such fear because they think we too are like them. They think we will also go in their path and treat them as how they've treated us telanganites.
Its a fact that today, we telanganites are reduced to Second class or even third class citizens here on our own land. The Govt's action in cutting-off all information (news thru cable TVs) to Telangana Dists while they were kidnapping KCR proves this. Are we not the citizens of India? Dont we have right to informatiom?
Who says we are in a FREE INDIA?
XLNC garu,
ReplyDeleteI am not saying Hyd was developed just by Andhra or Rayalaseema people in the recent past. It was a cumulative effort by everyone thinking Hyderabad belonged to AP. What drove people to invest in Hyderabad? It's simple answer - better returns on investments, Hyderabad being the capital city and having both the local and outside talent. Any other place that would have been made AP capital would have attracted similar investments.
Yes, Nizam might have once been the richest person and might have done a lot to develop Hyderabad state as such. But, I am sure the per capita income during Nizam era must have been still the same if not less as compared to other states. Apart from Nizam and the coterie being rich I definitely don't think common benefited much during his rule. People always tend to construct glorious past as though they have lived in that era. I am sure the common man in Nizam state was as rich or poor as in Madras province. I am not sure if the glorious Ram Rajya ever existed :).
But, definitely the development that went into Hyd city in the last 40 years is not small by any amounts to ignore as such - lacs of crores of rupees and institutions. All I am saying is that let all the development that went into Hyderabed be equally reimbursed to other regions in the event of separate Telangana state. Let IIT Hyd be moved too :). Why should it go to Telangana state?
If going by true democracy, let people of Hyderabad choose their fate either by opting to join Telangana or wanting a UT status. A referendum should be considered.
>Mee andhra, Raayalaseema vaallu >maati maati ki antaru kada hyd lo maade majority ani, Mari nenu ippudu adugutunna, Ghmc elections appudu 3 days holidays oste vote lu eyyakunda enduku mee mee oorlaku >urikinru? Ante Hyd meeda mee prema >mosali kanneella lantivi.
This really does not make sense to me. All the people whom I know and grew up in Hyderabad love their city in true sense. In any case majority of the people who really exercise their franchise are not the educated class and things have to change on that front. If not for people's interests in developing their area how come people elected JP from Lok Satta party.
You are saying that everyone should say Jai Kashmir, Jai Jammu, Jai Haryana, Jai Punjab etc. This is ridiculous. First of all states in India should have never been created on linguistic basis but purely based on administrative ease and regional imbalances. India was bunch of 50 princely states always fighting and ended falling to British throne easily. Do you want that to happen again.
We are Bharathiyas at the end !!! Don't let regionalism cripple anyones mind. Let us address issues in true democratic fashion as opposed to regional or cultural pride. The pride is necessary a bit, but should not threaten the integrity and ethos of Indian nationhood.
I am a pakka telanganite by region....... This is a useless argument to talk about a seperate state for Telangana. If the literacy rate is less, let them study and get the jobs themselves. fighting for a separate state doesnt help if you are not competent enough to take it as a challenge and carve urself into better than the andhrites. Andhra region is the main source for food products in AP. Vizag port is critical for industrial development within AP. There are many other problems which need to be addressed rather than carrying on this useless movement. Students need to invest more time in becoming better individuals and in studies so that they help the state progress. Dont get influenced by these selfish politicians. It's they who would be benefited by achieving a separate state. Not the common man. Nothing changes even in a separate Telangana state. We will still have corrupted ministers, lazy govt orgs. As always they will be interested in filling their pockets rather than doing something for you and me.
ReplyDelete@ Krishan Garu,
ReplyDeleteExcellent sir. Ur comments are indeed very good.
I think u got me wron when i said the richest man ever to walk on this planet was Nizam.
Let me make it very clear to you. I'm not talking about Nizam in a glorious way. Nizam became rich by Sucking the blood, sweat, and everything out of the ppl of erstwhile Hyd state. That Includes my Ancestors.
My Grandmother says hindus used to get down the road when they saw Muslims coming on the same road. That was Nizam. Nothing glorious about it.
During razakar movement, muslim soldiers threw infants up in air and drew their swords cut the babies into pices in mid-air. That is how we suffered.
He built this city literally out of Blood,sweat muscles and bones of our ancestors.
Did anyone else invest more than us on this city?
The very word UT for Hyd makes my blood boil. What is ur problem in living in hyd as a part of telangana?
Do you fear you will be taxed more? I think THATS ridiculous....
I convey my sincere Apologises to Mr Vijay Vardhan. I should not have uttered such words...
ReplyDeleteUn conditional apology.
but my stan doesnt change on the issue.
Jai Telangana.
"Telangana - A New State" or Telangana in AP. What difference will it make.
ReplyDeleteoka telugu leader ki inko telugu leader ki apudu padadu. then divide and conquer. Ani chinna states chesina, final output is rich is getting richer, and poor is getting poorer. (Rajyarikam).
Unity is the most important.
we can do more if we are united.
China occupied our country. Did we did any thing to them. We lost the war. We don't have enough people to support it.
KCR started this for votes and his team wants to be more powerful leaders. you guys know what happened in elections. Most politicians in our country, they never care about the people.
If KCR is a great leader then he needs to do niraharadiksha for Telangana area budget and other improvements instead of separate state. He is deviating the people from good end to bad end.
My idea is to be united and serve the state with improved results.
XLNC garu,
ReplyDeleteErstwhile Hyderabad state grew at the expense of tax payers from Andhra and Rayalaseema region too. The agreement between British and Nizam was that British would give away part of the taxes collected in Andra and Rayalaseema region to Nizam. So it is improper to claim that Hyderabad was initially developed by the sweat of current Telangana people alone.
Hyderabad should be made UT due to following reasons:
a) Lot of resources from various regions - Andhra & Rayalaseema, have gone in building Hyderabad. It would just seem unfair the city now goes to Telangana state. One of the main reasons for the Telangana statehood issue has come up is because of the phenomenal growth of Hyderabad city which is making everybody want to grab it. One must realise that Hyderabad is the combined wealth of the AP state and all Telugu-speaking people should be proud of it.
b) Hyderabad has become a cosmopolitan city and hence should not belong to any state as such. People of Hyderabad would want to live independently, have their own self governance and would not want to be troubled with issues plaguing Telangana region. In fact most of the cosmopolitan cities in India should be made UT like Mumbai, Bangalore etc.
c) India definitely needs a second capital and this would be right time to make Hyderabad as the second capital.
Also the boundaries of Hyderabad UT should be expanded all the way south to Rayalaseema districts and east to Andhra regions in order for these regions to have more easy access to Hyderabad resources.
Let's make Hyderabad UT in truly democratic way by holding referendum in the region. Love democracy :).
ReplyDeleteErstwhile Hyderabad state grew at the expense of tax payers from Andhra and Rayalaseema region too.
On what basis you say that? Andhra and Rayalaseema were NOT under Nizam.
The agreement between British and Nizam was that British would give away part of the taxes collected in Andra and Rayalaseema region to Nizam.
Substantiate this with some valid proof. It’s hard to believe this otherwise. Because Andhra was part of Madras State – why would British agree to pay certain taxes of regions of Madras State to Nizam?
a) Lot of resources from various regions - Andhra & Rayalaseema, have gone in building Hyderabad. It would just seem unfair the city now goes to Telangana state.
Lot of resources from various regions have gone into making Mumbai and yet Mumbai remains a part of Maharashtra. Same way, lot of resources went into making New Delhi and many Muslims and Muslim rulers contributed to building the city and yet it the city did not go to Pakistan.
One of the main reasons for the Telangana statehood issue has come up is because of the phenomenal growth of Hyderabad city which is making everybody want to grab it.
You should read other sections on Telangana on this blog. Demand for separate Telangana was there even before Andhra Pradesh was formed. During the formation time, there were riots in the city of Hyderabad. In 1969 there was popular movement once again. In the elections that followed, TPS (Telangana Praja Samithi) won 11 out of 12 Lok Sabha seats on the slogan of creating separate Telangana.
b) Hyderabad has become a cosmopolitan city and hence should not belong to any state as such.
Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Pune, etc are cosmopolitan cities and yet they remain part of Maharasthra, West Bengal, Karnataka, etc.
c) India definitely needs a second capital and this would be right time to make Hyderabad as the second capital.
Now you are being ludicrous.
XLNC: Thank you. Will read your blog.
ReplyDeleteSujai ...
ReplyDeleteLot of military expenditure by Nizam was met by British. Where did that come from? From taxes British levied on other regions.
Please read this:
Hyderabad equally belongs to everyone in Andhra Pradesh. Period.
Any sole claim by anyone is asking for pulling out swords :).
My last statement about Hyderabad being made the second capital was purely a suggestion based on earlier ideas from noted politicians(can't get the reference right away :(..)that India needs a safe and secure capital in south too. This may sound ludicrous as it may, but something to think about.
Yes, in order to quell separatists agendas in the future it would be nice to declare Mumbai, Bangalore as UTs too but keeping popular sentiment of the residents and holding referendums.
Anyways good luck with the T agitation, it will not be that simple even if plenty of people die for the cause. Sonia will not buckle so easily. Sorry to say this, but how else can mass hysteria be controlled.
As I said I have no issues with the formation of T state, but justice be done equally to Rayalaseema region and Hyderabad residents and investors. Since it is you people wanting a separate T state, you should sacrifice more.
Also, my last statement in this blog for the week. Have busy week ahead ...
choi ...
Krishna Reddy
Krishna Reddy:
ReplyDeleteLot of military expenditure by Nizam was met by British. Where did that come from? From taxes British levied on other regions.
Yes, but these taxes were collected from all regions (not just Andhra and Rayalaseema).
Hyderabad equally belongs to everyone in Andhra Pradesh. Period.
Taxes were collected from many regions of India – not just Andhra Pradesh; with your logic (which has flaws in it) Hyderabad should belong to everyone in India – not just Andhra Pradesh.
Please be aware of this – just because certain people spent lot of money into a city doesn’t make that city go those people. Many Muslims of Pakistan/Bangladesh have paid for taxes that have gone into investment into New Delhi – should New Delhi belong to Pakistan/Bangladesh? There are many examples like that – British built Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai, by taking taxes from many regions and yet, Mumbai belongs to Maharashtra, Kolkata belongs to West Bengal, and Chennai belongs to Tamil Nadu.
Any sole claim by anyone is asking for pulling out swords :).
Try pulling out swords to get Mumbai away from Marathas ;-)
Sole claim of a city towards a state or region is a universal and commonly agreed phenomenon.
Yes, in order to quell separatists agendas in the future it would be nice to declare Mumbai, Bangalore as UTs too but keeping popular sentiment of the residents and holding referendums.
You are out of sync with political history of the world. San Francisco is in California, Chicago in Illinois, and Boston in Massachusetts though these cities are cosmopolitan, and though many migrants have contributed to the city. I could go into examples for Europe and other Asian countries too. These cities are not independent Union Territories. In most countries, only the capital city of the country is made a separate state or an UT-equivalent while other cities in the country belong to the states/provinces. At the most the cities have a metropolitan character with a separate administration headed by a mayor.
Anyways good luck with the T agitation, it will not be that simple even if plenty of people die for the cause. Sonia will not buckle so easily. Sorry to say this, but how else can mass hysteria be controlled.
Democracy is clearly flawed in India. Though TPS got 11 out of 12 Lok Sabha elections in early 1970s on the single plank that they will get Telangana state, it was ‘undemocratically’ stuck down by the Center. In 2004 elections, TRS and their partners swept the polls in Telangana on the single mandate to get Telangana State, at yet the Center went back on their promise.
We should not be proud of such things saying, ‘Sonia will not buckle so easily’. Instead we should be ashamed that our democracy has no means to take care of people’s aspirations.
arey mentals, telangaana lo okkatey kaadu raa ilanti venakabadda pranthaalu vunnavi. andhra pradesh rastramlo chala pranthaalu ila ney vunnayi. pichchi naa barrellara, pratyeka rastram deenki samadanam kaadura mentals. kallu terichi aalochinchandi... lekapothey tharuvaatha baadha padedhi meerey...
ReplyDeleteTo all those people who have mentioned that they lost jobs or whatever..aren't jobs to be based on merit..ok..a separate telangana would solve this issue and give jobs to all those people who are not even capable of performing them..and wouldn't that drag the so called glory and richness of telangana(it would just become like engineering colleges where people just got seats and money got invested but they haven't completed coz they are totally not capable of it)
ReplyDeleteMammalni Mental ani mee dignity endo supettukunru... mee ahankaaram endo andariki artham ayyetattu matladinru... Thanks for that... Ponile ani eeda undaniste mammalne mental ante, meeku nizanga moodindi... neeku nizanga ttoti valasavaadula meeda prema unte, take back your mental words.
Jai telangana
@ Inko Anonymus,
ReplyDeleteYou wroye "a separate telangana would solve this issue and give jobs to all those people who are not even capable of performing them..and wouldn't that drag the so called glory and richness of telangana"
Ayya mammalni anta chaataganolla lekka sooste mumndu mundu meeke chaala kashtam... We know how to do our jobs and administer our policies on our land... Mee concern ki chaala thanks... But please be rest assured Telangana will be in good and safe hands...
There are many scholars in telangana now. Doctors, engineers, MBAs(I'm an MBA from Osmania Campus, one of the top scorers in Icet), Lawyers etc.. Maa Telangana maaku iste memu baagu padtam.
Merit undi kada ani meeku rajyam iste em chesinro andarki telsu... NAYAVANCHANA cheyyadam maaku raadu..
Jai Telangana
ReplyDeleteThats a very educated opinion by instigating hatred amongst people and you call yourself a highly educated person..
Well, if every other person in the world thought like this none of our indians would have stepped foot in any other country/state.
ReplyDeleteYou had excellent points and data about telangana.
However, I dont think a separate state is the solution. It is also not an answer for having our own identity.
Now telangana. Whats next..?
Are you going to do similar analysis of the districts that fall under the telangana region and argue for yet another state..?
You can never get to a point where you have created enough states where all the people are happy about the developments in there regions.
While some of the issues that you pointed out are true ( and also supported by others), we need to protest and work towards solving those issues to a best extent.
I would have been happy if KCR and other leaders stoodup for taking care of these issues.
Telangana students dont not have enough medical seats.. So we create a separate state and add few more colleges... Let say you created additional 1000 seats. Still that is not sufficient.. Soon the 1000+1 student claims injustice...
Some of the politcal parties and leaders that support separate telangana were part of ruling adminstration who had the opportunity to fix someof these issues...
A family of 10 people and a family of 4 people... bot feel they belong to one family and try to solve there problems as ONE... They dont start thinking of breaking there families based on a number...
Wow! i did not read through the complete blog, but very interesting. Written in 2006, and now we have it as a saperate state. In any case, Sujai, you got what you and everyone else with similar interest wanted. Congratulations :)
ReplyDeleteI will throw in my 2 cents once I read teh blog through.
Cant stop commenting on this issue...
ReplyDeleteWhen you break the state in to two, you are also weakining both the states.. Now your new states have less power to play with in the central govt.
Soon, you will be crying out loud that your state is not getting enough attention and no one would even care for you a bit...
Separate state sounds good at first, but think longterm.
Is it really necessary to divide the state to address the issues you pointed out...??
Dont just brain wash people wiht your statistics and data...
Heard the story of a king with 7 children..???
BTW, I belong to the telangana region... While I agree about some injustice to the telangana people, I would stand by the unified state and protest for the injustice. Not a separate state.
Ok agreed injustice!!
ReplyDeleteWhy not form a union of all the under developed villages/towns/districts and form a separate state..?
Are you really fighting for the upliftment of the areas that are under developed..? or are you just following the wind and brain washing people with your data..?
There could be good reasons for separate state which is OK.
ReplyDeleteBut You have mentioned 55 states in less populous country like US compared to India. Why NOT India have more as the population is HIGH.
You have missed the basic point....
US is 3-4 times BIGGER in area compared to INDIA. By this we have more states than the US itself when compared by area
Welcome to 29th state of Indian Union,'Telangana', with 'Hyderabad' as Capital
ReplyDeleteI am a huge proponent of decentralization and more states mean more freedom to grow. And your comparison to the US tells me that you could have missed some fundamentals. The funds that get diverted are consumed more often by politicians than anyone else. How do you ensure that this reaches the people? I guess progress has a cost, but our politicians just go down, all the way.
ReplyDeleteGood riddance. It will be very entertaining to see Telangana prosper under its divisive politicians. Ha Ha ha.
ReplyDeleteHi, I am going on a fast, first for rayalaseema state, then for separate andhra state,,,,,,or may be I will ask for chittoor state first, then tirupathi, then vijayawada state, then......... it will only take 10 days to get each.......please send me some movies to watch while I hang out in the hospital with some saline going in so I wont die.
ReplyDeleteNo problem. we have a ton of patients who need to be fasting, for months together, and do just fine on saline or nutrition given into the vein directly.
And I will be the new chief minister !
Ridiculous ! what is he? a "podugu sriramulu"? shameful to compare him to potti sriramulu.now he is a big hero.
If people really wanted a separate state, how about showing it by voting for him in the recent elections? 10 out of 23 states are in telangana and Congress still got a majority !
I hope he will die now of refeeding syndrome(abnormalities that develop in the body by eating a lot after fasting) or something (just my opinion), rather than take little pieces out of the state for personal benefit.......the politicians only did this to benefit themselves- they dont care a damn about anyone else, especially about the poor people. Lets see if the new state comes, how much benefit the people get out of it and how rich KCR is going to be.
Poor hyderabad is going to lose its business and telanganians dont realize they are killing their own economy- dont complain later that you dont have jobs or money for jobs. you might become like american with the new healthcare reform.
Hi Sujai
ReplyDeleteI believe u understand very well about the problems in the Telangana state. But do u really believe dat separate telangana state will really be benificial to it? It is being one more greedy show of a politician darling.... Did any state in India after division prospered?
Yes i do agree there are problems in the region .And a good politician will always try to sort it out.. But the way the TRS chief doing is not at all correct and I pity poor people who are following him.
Telangana may have very good institutions and administrative office etc.. But Andhra has got an invalueble wealth- VERY VERY FERTILE LANDS FOR THE CROPS.
Now being one state Telangana is enjoying many facilities..
Now u want to separate and buy the crops from the mother state??
Is dat meaningful??
And if u think Andhra guys are aginst this because they will lose access to Hyd ...u r totally wrong...
Andhra has got cities like Vijayawada,Vizag,Guntur,Tirupathi etc.. which if given slightest attention can flourish greater than that of Hyd.
I hope the so called educated and brainful guys over there will give a thought about it..
I had travelled interior of telangana many days ... and understood their life styles ... many starvation deaths takes places but are never presented in any media ... From the past 15 years nothing has been developed in these regions ... it only an administrative fault ... yes we do need a separate state Telangana Rashtram for our better lives ... After all , we deserver it ...
ReplyDeleteYemi post rasavu mama ... Nuvvu kekka ..Nuvvu chepina batti chustey andhra ni enni mukkalu chesina parvaledu ...
ReplyDeleteNaku ippudu vaka manchi idea vachidni ... Nellore ni seperate State ga chestey emi ... Nellore enduku ma Gudur Mandalam ney seperate State ga chedam ...Ne 27 years life lo Ma vurilo development chusaney ledu ..Ade domalu , ade currect cut and adey chetta roads .. So naku ippudu Seperate Gudur State kavali ...
Nuvvu chepina dani batti , definate ga kekka development chudochu ...
KCR nijanga manchi politicain ye iythe ,there are many other reasons where he have to go for hunger strike...
ReplyDeleteIyna ila okka manishi hunger strike chesthe,democracy lo, State ichestharani nenu eppudu anukoledhu....
I strongly believe that there should be a poll in the Telangana region whether to have a separate state or not.
ReplyDeleteI do not know whether seperate Telangana is for good or not,
but for sure lot of regional people will get jobs, and most importantly water supply and power supply will be there to every corner of Telangana.
Which is good for humanity. In that way all the regions will be equal.
Lavanya of Vijayawada:
ReplyDeleteIyna ila okka manishi hunger strike chesthe,democracy lo, State ichestharani nenu eppudu anukoledhu....
[Translation: If one man does hunger strike, in democracy, I never thought they would give away a State]
A small dose of history would help here. Andhra State was formed out of Madras Presidency only because Potti Sriramulu fasted for more than 50 days and eventually died. One single incident changed the minds of then leaders and that’s how the First SRC was constituted.
Having said that, I don’t think the current decision to give away Telangana was entirely based on KCR’s fast. It had more to do with the protests and agitations carried out by people everywhere in Telangana.
Hi Lavanya of Vijayawada:
ReplyDeleteDid any state in India after division prospered?
Yes. Himachal Pradesh and Haryana prospered after getting divided from Punjab. So did Gujarat after getting divided from Bombay State. So did Kerala and Karnataka after getting divided from Madras Presidency. So did Goa when it became a state.
So did Uttarkhand – which has seen an unprecedented industrial growth after getting divided from Uttar Pradesh.
The country’s biggest states continue to be the poorest – Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.
But the way the TRS chief doing is not at all correct and I pity poor people who are following him.
Please do not pity them because your pity sounds hollow. They are not ‘poor’ people. They know exactly what they are doing – they want a separate state and if KCR is going to get them that – they are willing to support him.
Telangana may have very good institutions and administrative office etc.. But Andhra has got an invalueble wealth- VERY VERY FERTILE LANDS FOR THE CROPS.
That’s good for Andhra. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. We pose no animosity towards people of Andhra. Britain had access to lot many lands and yet India wanted to live on its own.
Now u want to separate and buy the crops from the mother state??
No. we want to make our own crops with our own water.
And if u think Andhra guys are aginst this because they will lose access to Hyd ...u r totally wrong...
If am wrong then I would be very happy. Then there should be no problem in letting Hyderabad go with Telangana.
Andhra has got cities like Vijayawada,Vizag,Guntur,Tirupathi etc.. which if given slightest attention can flourish greater than that of Hyd.
As I said, there is no jealousy there. We do believe that Andhra is prosperous and that they have great cities. We want to build some for ourselves too.
Then we should have only state in India. Why do we even have 29 to start with.
ReplyDeleteUS is 3-4 times BIGGER in area compared to INDIA. By this we have more states than the US itself when compared by area
Usually the states or provinces depend on many factors including population – not just the geographical area. States in Canada are very big because they don’t have dense population. However the states in East Canada are small because of the population density.
The states in Eastern part of United States are smaller because of history and also because of population density while the states in the Central Zone and Mountain Zone are quite big.
ReplyDeleteThere are problems all over india , in many regions...
Whereever we have a problem, lets implement your super duper idea of creating a separate state.
You dumb ass !!
Have you tried to address the main core issues of the people of telangana..? Even if you grant them a separate state, it is still these same old ( or even dumb politicians) who would have to rule the new state...
While they did nothing to solve the problems of the telangana.., what is the guarantee that they will be capable of solving them if you split the state..?
Can you guarantee that the new ruling party of the telangana state would have a totally new goverment with politicians who were never part of the ruling Andhra Pradesh government...?
ReplyDeleteIf one of your earlier posts about "why not another state as the population has increased over time" is true, why fight for separate state becoz of telangana issues..?
You should really be advocating for efficient re-carvation of all the states.. not split the existing states. How did you draw the line that separates telangana regions and andhra regions..> Why cant some more regions fall under the new state, and be given a different name..? East AP and West AP..?
Is the population density in the two new states of equal levels..? What is the optimum number ..?
Also, just curious: are you also willing to fight for under developed areas in the so called "Andhra" regions..?
ReplyDeleteYou bring comparisions to the states in US and Canada.
Are you comparing everything with US and Canada..?
You are no way close to even being compared to US or CANADA..
Whether they have 50 states or 30 states it does not matter. They came up with a number that best suites them. The situations, politics are not the same everywhere... You cannot make apples to apples comparision.
No matter what number they came up with, they sticked to it and found ways to efficiently manage them. Have you heard of them splitting the states..?? Sure there populations have also seen an increase.
ReplyDeleteYou blog pisses me off so much that I cant stop commenting ...
You keep pointing out chattisgargh and other new states that you claim were prospering.
The success of a state depends on so many conditions.. people, geography, politicians..
Are you willing to gamble on breaking the state with the assumption that your Hero politicians will be as efficient or may be even more efficient that the new state will prosper..?